Illustrations – Expectations  Robert E. Wilcox, Utah Insurance Commissioner and Chairman of the Life Disclosure Working Group (NAIC) – If the policyholders’ expectations are built around the concept that they are going to get a fair dividend, and that fair dividend means that, if the interest rate goes up, policyholders get more, and if rates…

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UM – Senate 1983 1007 – Senator Daniel Inouye (Delivered by Alvey Wright) – Speech to Honolulu Association of Life Underwriters – 16p (p15) – Since the early 1950’s, the insurance industry has been regulated at the state level.

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Life Span I should note that there is recent research which refutes the actuarial claims for genetic differences between the life span of men and women. The study, published in the July-August, 1983, Public Health Reports, found that life expectancy figures for non-smoking men and women of similar age were virtually identical. (p14) 1983 1007…

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Hawaii Senator Daniel Inouye – (D-HI) – 1963-2012 1983 1007 – Senator Daniel Inouye (Delivered by Alvey Wright) – Speech to Honolulu Association of Life Underwriters – 16p Although I would have preferred to discuss other matters of concern to us all, your invitation has requested that I discuss important Life Insurance issues that are pending…

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Council of Economic Advisors 2011 – Economic Report of the President – Obama – [link] (p120) – The high cost of conducting that search reduces competition and may result in prices that are higher than the competitive level. One effective way to reduce search costs is through information systems that assist consumers in comparison shopping. In…

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Victorian Tit-Bits was especially ingenious, pioneering correspondence columns, treasure hunts, prizes for amateur contributions, and even a life insurance scheme that promised to compensate the next of kin of any commuter found in a railway wreckage with copies of the current week’s issue on his person.40 40 Peter D. McDonald, British Literary Culture and Publishing…

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ACLI – American Council of Life Insurers ACLI – Index ACLI – Legal Cases ACLI – Government ACLI – NAIC – 1980s ACLI – Snippets Benefits – ACLI Systemic Risk – ACLI 1975 The Institute of Life Insurance and the American Life Insurance Association merge to become the American Council of Life Insurance. The headquarters…

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Maine 1871 – Albert W. Paine – Maine Superintendent of Insurance 1871-1, NAIC Proceedings (National Insurance Convention) (p13 / 44) – We are here as a grand jury of inquest on the insurance body—not for indictment, but to find the best system for practice, and I feel that we want the utmost information that we…

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Center For Capital Markets Competitiveness US Chamber of Commerce Insurance Capital Standards – ICS – IAIS 2019 Winter – Center for Capital Markets Competitiveness / U.S. Chamber of Commerce – The Role of Insurance Investments in the U.S. Economy – 42p 2019 Summer – Center for Capital Markets Competitiveness / U.S. Chamber of Commerce – Insurance…

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