Q: Does Anyone Know Anything? (p87) – Gustavus Smith (Kentucky – Insurance Commissioner):   We have got a vast deal to learn. While on this subject, I may allude to what I consider the great trouble in life insurance. It is, in my opinion, an undoubted fact that educated, intelligent, influential business men of this country, as…

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GAO – Government Accountability Office – Snippets GAO – Government Accountability Office Most state insurance regulators generally only conduct investigations of insurance company sales practices when they receive customer complaints. Although some state insurance regulators review insurance companies’ product sales practices as part of market conduct reviews, few insurance products are subject to any suitability…

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1871-2, NAIC Proceedings 1871-2, NAIC Proceedings (fka National Insurance Convention)  —  [BonkNote]  —  657p Insolvency Valuation (p54) – Trust Fund Deposit, Or Reserve, For Whole-Life Policies In Case The Payments Are In Equal Annual Premiums (p58) – The “Reserve” Absolutely Necessary To Enable A Life Insurance Company To Pay Its Policies At Maturity, By Net…

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NAIC – Origins NCIC – National Convention of Insurance Commissioners George W. Miller 1871-1, NAIC Proceedings 2000 – JIR / NAIC – The Early History of the NAIC, Eric C. Nordman – 16p The first NCIC meeting was held in New York City on May 24, 1871. 2000 – JIR / NAIC – The Early…

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Minimum Premium An approach which seems to be gaining in popularity expresses commissions as a percent of a target or a minimum premium. — Christian J. DesRochers 1983 – SOA – Universal Life (RSA83V9N212), Society of Actuaries – 24p 2. As admitted by Joel Kuni, Farmer’s Product Development Actuarial Manager, in his deposition of 5-7-2003, at page…

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2002 – SOA – Dropping Like a Rock: Dealing with Falling Interest Rates and Equity Markets Outside the United States and Canada 2002 – SOA – Dropping Like a Rock: Dealing with Falling Interest Rates and Equity Markets Outside the United States and Canada, Society of Actuaries – 27p (p5) – The whole industry of Asia can…

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Market Value Adjusted MAV – Market-Adjusted Valuation 1985 – SOA – New Product Accounting Alternatives, Society of Actuaries – 26p 1986 – SOA – Market Value Adjusted Products (rsa86v12n29) – 22p 1986 – SOA – Market Value Adjusted Products (rsa86v12n33) – 34p 1986 – SOA – Market Value Adjusted Products (rsa86v12n4b3) – 30p 1991 – SOA – Selecting an…

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