AIG – SandBox Why the misdirected coverage?  My guess is that we are seeing an unholy alliance of insurance regulators who would rather point the finger at unregulated credit derivatives, people who always favor more regulation as the answer to everything, and public officials who don’t want people to wonder whether other staid, boring…

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Pricing Risk Take the pricing risk. Mutuals, for most of the past 130 years, have favored gross premiums high enough to minimize the risk that any block of business would not be self-supporting. Joseph B. MacLean, addressed this matter in a 1945 edition of his book, Life Insurance. He wrote that participating premiums should be…

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COP – Congressional Oversight Panel – WishList 2010 0610 – COP – Report – The AIG Rescue, Its Impact on Markets, and the Government’s Exit Strategy, June Oversight Report, Congressional Oversight Panel  —  [BonkNote]  —  337p 95 E-mail from Alejandro LaTorre to Timothy Geithner and other Federal Reserve Bank of New York officials (Sept, 14, 2008)…

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Q: Would It Have Been Illegal To Say That AIG Was Insolvent? 2021 – Lessons Learned: Eric Dinallo, Journal of Financial Crises – 6p (p6) – I wrote an op-ed for the [Financial Times] that lays out that there’s a law, that [hedge fund manager] Bill Ackman and I argued about. About not disparaging or questioning the…

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AIG – Goldman Sachs AIGFP – Goldman Sachs – Collateral Calls 2008 0819 – FCIC – Goldman Sachs / FRB emails – Don’t Buy AIG: Potential Downgrades, Capital Raise on the Horizon – 20p

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AIG – Company Guarantees to Subsidiaries AIG Financial Products (AIGFP) AIG Life Holdings AIG Life Holdings (US), Inc. (AIGLH), formerly known as American General Corporation, a holding company and a wholly owned subsidiary of AIG. AIG provides a full and unconditional guarantee of all outstanding debt of AIGLH.  (p82) AIG – Form 10-Q – For…

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Economy (p30) – Claims for the September 11 event will not be a problem for our company, nor will I expect it to be a problem for the life insurance industry. I should note, however, that the life insurance companies are major investors in corporate America. We are holders of corporate bonds, real estate mortgages,…

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White House Joe Biden Jimmy Carter Calvin Coolidge

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GIAJ – General Insurance Association of Japan The General Insurance Association of Japan (GIAJ) is an industry organization whose 26 member companies account for around 95 percent of the total general insurance premiums written in Japan. 2018 0227 – GIAJ to FSB – GIAJ comments on the FSB’s methodology for assessing implementation of the Key…

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