Underfunded Life Insurance Policies “under funded” “life insurance” Impactful Ideas to Promote Ethics Awareness Small Group Case Study Discussions Use Real (Sanitized) Cases From Your Own Company Supplement With Industry Challenges (e.g. Underfunded Universal Life Insurance Policies and What Steps Company Compliance & Ethics Professionals Can Take to Help Their Companies Address this Issue) 2019…

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1978 12 – GOV (House – Report) – Life Insurance Marketing and Cost Disclosure Report: Together with Dissenting Views, John Moss (D-CA) 1978 12 – GOV (House – Report) – Life Insurance Marketing and Cost Disclosure Report Together with Dissenting Views, John Moss (D-CA)  —  [BonkNote] [PDF-106p-GooglePlay] 1978 0807, 0814 and 0815 – GOV (House) -…

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No Cash Value Plans 1989-1, NAIC Proceedings Non-Forfeiture ACLI Canada 1995 SOA HL Practical Illustrations  Get a Reprojection rsa95v21n123 One of the ideas that people have considered for life insurance is to have life insurance without a cash-surrender value, but a nonforfeiture value, either reduced, paid-up, or extended-term insurance, that would in some way make…

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Change AIG – Name Changes / Mergers Change Without Damage    NAIC – Name Changes Times Have Changed The whole process started in the NAIC, as it had to. If radical changes in the way we illustrate policies were going to be made, they had to start at the NAIC. The NAIC was only too…

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Pricing Actuary Trying to balance the profitability and competitive requirements is a tough task in today’s competitive marketplace. The profit testing, premium adjusting, and benefit adjusting process is an iterative process involving a lot of give and take. There are many factors that the pricing actuary can adjust during this process. Premium rates, agent compensation,…

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PRUCO Life MR. GRIGG: PRUCO Life has its own unique marketing staff which is not associated with Prudential. This is a six-person team who spends their entire time going around the company educating our agents on our variable products and any other products coming out of PRUCO. They have been very successful to the extent…

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Dinallo – Monolines In late January New York insurance regulator, Eric Dinallo, urged major banks to provide up to $15bn (£7.6bn) to support the monoline industry in an effort to stem the threat of additional losses for banks and other financial institutions with exposure to some of the over $2,400bn of debt guaranteed by bond…

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Taxonomy A few companies have introduced a product known as Universal or Total Life. (p70) 1982 – Book – Life Insurance, by Huebner and Black    [Bonk: This passage was in Chapter 5 titled “Term Insurance] Out of curiosity, I examined Conning and Company’s printed studies on twenty-two large stock life insurance companies … Among those companies showing…

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Mary Williams Walsh NYT – New York Times 2009 0730 – NYT – After Rescue, New Weakness Seen at A.I.G., by Mary Williams Walsh – [link] 2009 0731 – NAIC to NYT – re: The New York Times July 30 article, “After Rescue, New Weakness Seen at A.I.G” by Mary Williams Walsh – 1p 2011 0508 – NYT -…

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