1991 – GOV (House) – Insurance Company Solvency 1991 0227, 0507, 0509 and 0523 – GOV (House) – Insurance Company Solvency, (CSPAN) Insurance Company Insolvencies, Cardiss Collins (D-IL)  —  [BonkNote] [PDF-369p-GooglePlay,  VIDEO-0509-CSPAN]   [VIDEO-? – 0227, 0507 and 0523] House – Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation – Subcommittee on Commerce, Consumer Protection, and Competitiveness…

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Non-Investment Bonds Working Group – NAIC (p191) – Senator Richard BRYAN (D-NV). We will keep the hearing record open to give you the opportunity to do so. Mr. McCartney, as I understand, the NAIC established a junk bond working group some time last year. Am I correct on that? Mr. MCCARTNEY. Yes, sir. Senator BRYAN.…

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Actuarial Opinions I see too many statements of actuarial opinion currently stating that the reserves meet all legal standards where the opinion isn’t worth the paper its written on. I’m afraid that there are too many actuaries who have rather loose ideas of current standards of practice in this regard.  —  J. Alan Lauer, (chief…

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Acacia Acacia Mutual Life Insurance Company. fka: Masonic Relief Association of the District of Columbia Masonic Mutual Life Company 1971 0509 – Washington Post – Hoover Held an Insurance Post — Acacia Mutual Life Insurance Co., J. Edgar Hoover — 1p 1997 – IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ACACIA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY…

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Paltering (p41) – Kantian Evasion or palter: A truthful statement that is nonetheless misleading – Book – Essentials of Business Law, 6th Edition, By Jeffrey F. Beatty, Susan S. Samuelson, Patricia Abril 2017 – AP – Artful Paltering: The Risks and Rewards of Using Truthful Statements to Mislead Others, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,…

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Goshen v MONY iapps.courts.state.ny.us/nyscef/HomePage 2.nycourts.gov/courts/1jd/supctmanh/county_clerk_records.shtml iapps.courts.state.ny.us/iscroll/SQLData.jsp?IndexNo=600466-1995 11-29-1995 – SUMMONS AND COMPLAINT – CCOP 03-28-1996 – FIRST AMENDED CLASS ACTION COMPLAINT – CCOP 04-18-1996 – ANSWER – CCOP 10-24-1997 – ORDER IAS PART 10 SEQ006-MEMO DECISION –  CCOP 10-29-1997 – JUDGMENT MICRO #094840 BILL OF COSTS – CCOP 2003 0416 – Goshen v Mony – Decision…

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