Forbes The ACLI’s Dolan says the size of the premium depends on the returns on the options in the policy. “The fact is, in a different (and better) economic environment, less in premiums would be paid than originally planned,” he notes. “Owners of this product must be aware of exactly how it works, because, unlike certain other types of life…

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Randall Mire Tillinghast – Jacksonville Office – The Atlanta Constitution – 12 Jan 1975, Sun – ·Page 76 Life of Virrginia-? Note that the data is not from Ralph Nader, but from LIMRA and the NALU.” —  Randall P. Mire 1983 – SOA – The Future of Whole Life Insurance–A Debate, Society of Actuaries – 24p…

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MDL-1950 – IN RE: Municipal Derivatives Antitrust Litigation MDL-1950 – LC – IN RE: Municipal Derivatives Antitrust Litigation  —   [BonkNote] MBIA, AIGFP  …  1:08-md-1950 03/19/2008 06/16/2008 08/24/2018, Marrero, Victor NYS MDL-1950 – LC – Joint Second Amended Class Action Complaint, AIGFP – 104p 2007 0726 – SEC / COX – Disclosure and Accounting Practices in the…

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Municipal Ambac – American Municipal Bond Assurance Corporation MBIA – Municipal Bond Insurance Association Municipal Bonds Municipal GICs   Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board (MSRB)

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Freddie Mac Freddie Mac = Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (FHLMC) Richard Syron 2003-2008 0906 –  2004 0616 – Schiff’s Insurance Observer – Insurance Regulator Sucks up to Big Insurers: Makes Public Data Secret, Volume 16, Number 8 – 4p

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Corebridge Financial Formerly AIG Life & Retirement, Corebridge Financial… formerly SAFG Retirement Services, Inc. (SAFG)

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Eric Dinallo – Legal Cases Eric Dinallo 2007 01 – 2009 07 – New York State Superintendent of Insurance 2011 – LC – Starr International Company vs United States – 11-0779  20xx – LC – American International Group, Inc. ERISA Litigation II – 1:08-cv-05722 (a) On September 16, 2008, Dinallo reiterated Governor Paterson’s offer to…

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Sandy Praeger 1993-2002 – State Senate   2003-2015 – Kansas Insurance Commissioner 2008 – NAIC President 2008 Financial Crisis 2008-3, NAIC Proc. – 2008 0922 – NAIC Proceedings – 2008 Fall National Meeting – National Association of Insurance Commissioners – September 22, 2008 (p1-9) – PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS – Given at Executive (EX) Committee Meeting Sandy Praeger,…

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AIG – Hedge Fund Ben Bernanke Eric Dinallo Ed Liddy / Carolyn Maloney Hank Paulson Terri Vaughan (AIG) …  Very much a hedge fund on top of insurance companies.  Something like this, in my judgment, should never have happened. 2008 0921 – Meet the Press – Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson – [link] “A.I.G. exploited a huge…

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Retirement Income Journal 2022 0603 – Retirement Income Journal – NAIC Reassures Congress on Private Equity-Led Insurers, By Kerry Pechter  —  [BonkNote]  —  [link]

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