2014 0311 – GOV (Senate) – Finding the Right Capital Regulations for Insurers 2014 0311 – GOV (Senate) – Finding the Right Capital Regulations for Insurers [PDF-105p, VIDEO-Senate] – <Bonk: mp3, mp4> – T Chair Sherrod Brown (D-OH) Daniel Schwarcz, Collins 2014 0310 – Letter – Sheila C. Bair to Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH) – 6p I question the argument that insurance organizations…

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Oral Histories University of Florida, Samuel Proctor Oral History Program 2004 – Catalog of Collections – 351p

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GIC – Guaranteed Interest Contract … around 1980, with the growth of 401(k) and defined contribution pension plans, insurance companies entered the guaranteed interest contract (GIC) business. 2005 – SOA – A Strategic Analysis of The U.S. Life Insurance Industry Part II: Products, A look at the evolution and growth of U.S. life insurance industry products,…

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Unallocated Annuity Contracts GICS – Guaranteed Investment Contracts Unallocated annuities are investment plans generally known as Guaranteed Interest Contracts (GIC). http://leginfo.ca.gov/pub/93-94/bill/sen/sb_0401-0450/sb_435_cfa_930902_231103_sen_floor NOLGHA – Policyholder Information – Frequently Asked Questions – [link] 8. Unallocated Annuity Contracts What is an unallocated annuity contract? Under the NAIC Model Act, an unallocated annuity contract is “an annuity contract or group…

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Orange State Life Insurance Company 2002 0701 – Oral History – Interviewee: Fredric G. Levin, Interviewer: Samuel Proctor, UFLC 75 – 127p Orange State Life Insurance Company Bill Whalen Home Life

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InterAmerican Insurance Co. of Illinois 1992 0126 – Chicago Tribune – Liquidation Comes for Lavish Insurer, by Laurie Cohen, (InterAmerican Insurance Co. of Illinois)  In the Executive Life case in Illinois, the amount levied used up our capacity for 1991 and, as it turned out, it was a good thing we did because we had…

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Financial Reinsurance 2000 – SOA – Financial Reinsurance: Tool for the 21st Century, Society of Actuaries – 22p

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Surplus Relief Reinsurance 1992 0218 – GAO – Insurance Regulation: The Failures of Four Large Life Insurers, Testimony Before the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs United States Senate, Statement of Richard L. Fogel, Assistant Comptroller General, General Government Programs – 21p content.naic.org/sites/default/files/inline-files/MDL-791.pdf Another option, surplus relief reinsurance, is probably the most popular tool for meeting…

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