J. David Cummins Econometrics 1973 – AP – An Econometric Model of the Life Insurance Sector of the U.S. Economy, J. David Cummins, The Journal of Risk and Insurance, Vol. 40, No. 4 (Dec., 1973), pp. 533-554 (22 pages), Published By: American Risk and Insurance Association 2004 0103 – AP – Securitization of Life Insurance Assets…

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Prudential Regulation 2014 08 – SOA – Downside of Prudential Regulation: Lower Liquidity, By Ira Jersey, Risk Management, Society of Actuaries – 4p

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Dynamic Solvency Testing – DST Dynamic Financial Condition Analysis Handbook – SOA – Society of Actuaries 1993 – SOA – The Potential Role of Dynamic Solvency Testing in Preventing Insolvencies of Insurance Companies: A Historical Perspective, by Robert S. Fillingham, Society of Actuaries – 30p

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