Darrell Issa Darrell Issa (R-CA) 2001-2019 – US House 2011-2015 – Chair – House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, January 2011 to January 2015 2021-Current (as of 2023) – US House https://oversight.house.gov/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Full-Report.compressed.pdf 2010 0125 – GOV (House – Report) – Public Disclosure As A Last Resort: How the Federal Reserve Fought to Cover Up the…

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Product Management 1992 – SOA – Product Management, Society of Actuaries – 28p Panelists: Daphne D. Bartlett, Allen D. Booth, Alice M. Neenan What does “Effective Product Management” mean? How do we organize internally for effective product management? How do we establish objectives for a product llne and integrate these objectives with overall company goals?…

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GAO – Government Accountability Office – WishList <WishList> – 1969 – GAO – Report to Congress: Savings Available Through Consolidation of Veterans Administration Insurance Field Offices – 32p catalog.gpo.gov/F/B1HITD6S4SQX47GV6TLAVB5S9T5R1RFQUR4P3QTB88USMU9DMB-79931?func=full-set-set&set_number=003579&set_entry=000296&format=999 Starr International Company, Inc. v. The United States – Case 1:11-cv-00779-TCW

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House – WishList 2012 0228 – Letter – GOV (Royce) to NAIC – <WishList> 2012 0320 – Letter – NAIC (Kevin McCarty) to GOV (Royce) – 3p 2012 0712 – Letter – GOV (Royce) to FIO (Michael McRaith – Director – Federal Insurance Office) – 4p

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Banks and Life Insurance – Similar Products / Activities Cash value life insurance can operate as an investment vehicle that combines life insurance protection with a financial instrument that operates similarly to bank certificates of deposit and mutual fund investments. 2010 – Senate / CRS – Tax Expenditures: Compendium of Background Material on Individual Provisions…

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ACLI – Media 1997 1024 – WSJ – MONY Wins Dismissal of Suit Over ‘Vanishing Premium’ Policies, by Leslie Scism – [link] The company, popularly known as MONY, won a dismissal this week of a national class-action lawsuit that is similar to more than 30 suits pending against major life insurers. … in the MONY case, New York…

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Systemic Risk – Life Insurance Assimilation of banking-type activities by life insurers appears to be the key systemic vulnerability. 2003 – IMF – Insurance and Issues in Financial Soundness. IMF working paper 03/138. Das U, Davies N, Podpiera R – 44p (p3) – Third, as noted repeatedly by EIOPA, the ESRB and market analysts, scenarios involving multiple…

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Supervised Insurance Organizations federalregister.gov/documents/2022/10/04/2022-21414/framework-for-the-supervision-of-insurance-organizations federalreserve.gov/supervisionreg/srletters/SR2208.htm federalreserve.gov/apps/foia/ViewComments.aspx?doc_id=OP-1765&doc_ver=1

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Bad Faith 1985 – LR – Establishing the Tort of Bad Faith in Wyoming, by JT Dyre – 21p The past three decades have witnessed the development, in a number of jurisdictions, of what is termed the new tort of bad faith breach of contract.1 This new tort developed initially with regard to disputes between…

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