Bradley Barks I agree that there are currently lost of numbers in illustrations for comparison purposes and that we might not have the right ones yet. But even if the “ideal” numbers exist, I would submit that this is not the answer to the problem of illustrations. Lee Dreyfus said in the general session that…

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Benjamin J. Bock TransAmerica / Occidental 1991-1992 – SOA – Final Report* of the Task Force for Research on Life Insurance Sales Illustrations, Society of Actuaries – 142p Judy A. Faucett (Chairperson),  Benjamin J. Bock,  Bruce E. Booker John W. Keller,  John R. Skar,  Linden N. Cole 1991-1992 – SOA – Final Report* of the…

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John W. Keller The number one perceived problem is that buyers simply do not understand the nonguaranteed nature of life insurance illustrations. Also, it is impossible for the average buyer to judge the reasonableness of the assumptions underlying the numbers in the illustration.  —  John W. Keller, Northwestern Mutual 1991 – SOA – Illustrations, Society of…

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Sam Gutterman The Actuarial Foundation – Emeritus Trustees All of you have heard of the actuarial black box. This is a situation I will define as one in which actuarial analysis has not been adequately explained to its users. We can eliminate black boxes by more complete disclosure, more time spent with the user explaining…

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Bruce E. Booker Life of Virginia, ACLI – member of the American Council of Life Insurance (ACLI) Task Force on Cost Disclosure NAIC – member of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) Advisory Group on Illustrations 1991-1992 – SOA – Final Report* of the Task Force for Research on Life Insurance Sales Illustrations, Society of…

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James Corcoran [re: Executive Life] The only delay that occurred, there was a 10-day delay between the seizure of the parent company in California and the New York company (ELNY) There was a run on the bank, quite extensive run of the bank in that 10-day period in New York, but the company was able…

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Illustrations – Credibility 11. Report of Yield Index Advisory Committee – Life Cost Disclosure (A) Task Force Walter Miller (The Prudential), chair, presented the report of the Yield Index Advisory Committee (Attachment One). … expressed his strong concern about the credibility of illustrations, and accordingly included revisions to the regulation to cover this even though…

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