ACLI – Annuities 2007 – ACLI – ACLI Disclosure Initiative for Fixed, Index and Variable Annuities: Constructive Change on the Horizon, Carl B. Wilkerson – 75p 2007 – ACLI – Annuity Disclosure Templates: guidelines and instructions for life insurers on how to prepare disclosure documents for fixed, index, and variable annuities – 48p GENERAL GUIDELINES FOR…

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NFP – National Financial Partners 2009 – NPF – Training Manual – Full – 94p 2009 – NPF – Training Manual – Section 1 – Introduction to National financial Partners – 29p 2009 – NPF – Training Manual – Section 2, Life Insurance Basics – 13p 2009 – NPF – Training Manual – Section 3, Life Insurance – 40p

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ACCI – American Council on Consumers Interests Consumers Union 2011 – ACCI -The Disclosure Solution to the Problems Consumers Face in the Life Insurance Marketplace, by Brian Fechtel – 5p 2011 American Council on Consumer Interests Conference Proceedings 1991 – ACCI – Housing for Moderate Income Households, by Vincent M. Brannigan, Associate Professor, Textiles and…

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Special AIG Special Task Force – (EX) – NAIC Special Plans Special Policies Specialty Policies

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Doug Andrew Doug Andrew – Index Doug Andrew – Lawsuits 2005-2007 – Media – Scott Burns – Doug Andrew  —  [BonkNote] Douglas R. Andrew ?-Years-? – EF Hutton ?-1982-? – Investors Life Insurance Company (Nebraska) 1982 0908 – The Daily Spectrum – Judge schedules hearing for insurance – [] Federal Judge Aldon Anderson has scheduled a Sept. 13…

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Cost Indices Subgroup – (A) – NAIC The group first considered a suggestion from Chris Kite (FIPSCO) for a new type of index that would allow consumers to compare the assumptions in the illustration. Mr. Kite said his index has the advantage of prompting the prospect to question assumptions used. Delmer Borah (MassMutual) suggested that consumers are…

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ACLI – 2020s – Snippets TPAs and MGAs – We also question the usefulness of collecting information concerning MGAs and TPAs. Insurers are ultimately responsible for the actions of these entities, who can provide a wide variety of services. 2020 0821 – Letter – ACLI to NAIC (MCASWG – Market Conduct Annual Statement Blanks Working…

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ACLI – 2010s – Snippets 2011 0422 – WSJ – AIG Tries to Sell Death-Bet Securities, By Leslie Scism – [link] The new wrinkle of securitization arose in the market’s boom years before the financial crisis. Just as Wall Street banks bundled mortgages to make mortgage bonds, financiers looked into bundling hundreds of life-insurance policies into…

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ACLI – 2000s – Snippets Today, life insurers compete directly with non-insurance financial services institutions, such as banks and mutual funds.  (p12) —  William B. Fisher, Vice President And Associate General Counsel, Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company, On Behalf of the American Council Of Life Insurers  (ACLI) 2001 0621 – GOV (House) – Insurance Product…

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1990s – ACLI – Snippets I’m going to discuss what Norm referred to as consumer disclosure forms To date, no state has adopted these forms. Why this complete lack of action after all the effort in developing the forms? One possible reason is that, during the early part of the year, state insurance departments are…

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