Virginia Knauer Republican 1969–1977 – Special Assistant to the President for Consumer Affairs 1981–1989 – Director of the U.S. Office of Consumer Affairs 1980 – LC – Phoenix Mut. Life Ins. Co. v. Insurance Department of the State of New York, and Albert B. Lewis, As Superintendent of Insurance of the State of…

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Book – Taxes Series – Tax Facts on Life Insurance, by National Underwriter Company, 1957 – Book – Taxation of Life Insurance, by Bertram Harnett   2006 – Book – U.S. Tax Reserves for Life Insurers, by Edward L. Robbins 2014 – Book -Basis Assets and Liabilities of U.S. Life Insurers, Edward L. Robbins Journal…

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Scott Alvarez 2010 0526 – COP – Hearing – TARP and Other Government Assistance for AIG, Congressional Oversight Panel  —  [BonkNote] 2010-07-29 FCIC staff audiotape of interview with Scott Alvarez, Bill English, Kieran Fallon and Bill Nelson, Federal Res~1.mp3 Scott Alvarez, FRB – re: AIG – They were solvent, they just couldn’t pay their bills. Mark MCWATTERS,…

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Chuck Grassley Chuck Grassley (R-IA) 1959–1975 – IA House Member 1981-Current (as of 2023) – US Senator (p4) – Statement of Hon. Charles E. Grassley, A U.S. Senator From The State of Iowa I share Senator Metzenbaum’s desire to ensure that insurance consumers have a thorough understanding of the obligations and performances that they can…

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Alan Grayson Alan Grayson (D-FL) 2009-2011 – US House 2013-2017 – US House 2010 0319 – businessinsider – Check Out Alan Grayson’s Furious Letter To The AIG Trustees, by Gus Lubin – [link] 2009 0319 – GOV (House) – Regulation versus Chaos: Rep. Alan Grayson on What Really Happened at AIG  —  [VIDEO-Clip-YouTube] AIG 10k…

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Advertising of Insurance Committee – (H) – NAIC 1966-2. NAIC Proceedings (p605) – Advertising of Insurance (H) Committee The Honorable S. Roy Woodall, Jr., of Kentucky presented the report of the NAIC-FTC Resolution (H1) Subcommittee for consideration by the parent Committee. (p607) – Report of the Results Obtained from Questionnaire Forwarded to Individual Members of…

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Fixed Income Securities 2013 – FDIC – Credit Risk Assessment of Bank Investment Portfolios – 7p 2005 – Book – The Handbook of Fixed Income Securities – 7th Edition, by Frank Fabozzi – 1531p 2005 – Book – The Handbook of Fixed Income Securities – 7th Edition, by Frank Fabozzi – 1531p (p37) – Private Placement Market In…

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Mortgage Pass-Through Bonds 1990 – SOA – Cash-Flow Projection Methods and Assumptions – 28p (p6) – MORTGAGE PASS-THROUGH BONDS FLOW OF FUND 2020 Q1 – FHLBC – Balance Sheet Leverage Strategies Using Agency MBS – [link] 1989 – FRB-KC – The Prepayment Risk of Mortgage-backed Securities, By Sean Becketti – 15p Since their creation in 1970, mortgage…

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Firsts When an issue begins is sometimes difficult to discern.. —  Norman K. Martin 1981 – SOA – Individual Life Insurance Cost Disclosure Issues, Society of Actuaries – 22p AL – Adjustable Life –  Cost Disclosure – 1968 Senator Hart  VAs – Variable Annuities – 1950s VLs – Variable Life Insurance – 1970s – Equitable Life GICs…

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