1997 1030 – GOV (Senate) – Class Action Lawsuits: Examining Victim Compensation and Attorneys’ Fees, Charles Grassley (R-IA) 1997 1030 – GOV (Senate) – Class Action Lawsuits: Examining Victim Compensation and Attorneys’ Fees, Charles Grassley (R-IA)  —  [BonkNote] [PDF-97p-GooglePlay] Senate – Committee On The Judiciary – Subcommittee On Administrative Oversight And The Courts (p59) -…

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1980s – NAIC – Insurance Regulators – Snippets The FTC efforts to deter state action on life insurance cost disclosure, under the guise of assisting the states, when in fact, the game plan was to initiate an FTC regulation on the basis that the states failed to act, might be described as a federal fraud.…

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1980s – ACLI – Snippets 1. Heard report by ACLI concerning life insurance cash flow and liquidity problems caused by recent financial instability.  The report noted: (a) High interest rates caused cash outflow. (b) Forward investment commitments have been a source of cash drain while anticipated cash inflows have not materialized. (c) Few companies have…

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1970s – NAIC – Insurance Regulators – Snippets (p1501) – John Durkin, New Hampshire Insurance Commissioner: As a starting point, there is little regulation of the life insurance industry by the States. The States do little with respect to life insurance regulations for many reasons, mainly because there are very few problems with complaints over…

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Pricing Assumptions Actually, all of us know it is one thing to build into your pricing assumptions a certain rate of return, but it is quite another thing to find out what rate of return you are actually experiencing. —  Owen A. Reed 1981 – SOA – Effective Use of Capital, rsa81v7n312, Society of Actuaries…

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Unsafe and Unsound The Crisis arose because the Government extended a 100% Guarantee on most Thrift Deposits without taking commensurate measures to prevent unsound banking practices likely to lead to losses. 1990 – AP – The Savings-and-Loan Crisis Causes and Remedies, by  Dalton Leonard Anderson – 203p

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1988 0726 – GOV (Senate) – Financial Planners and Investment Advisers, Chris Dodd (D-CT) 1988 0726 – GOV (Senate) – Financial Planners and Investment Advisers, Chris Dodd (D-CT)  —  [BonkNote] [PDF-249p-GooglePlay,  Financial Planners and Investment Advisers and What Consumers Can Expect When They Choose to Seek Professional Advice to Plan Their Financial Affairs CFA – Barbara…

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Integrated Financial Services Task Force – (EX) – NAIC 1988-2, NAIC Proceedings – (p72) – Integrated Financial Services (EX) Task Force and the Securities and Insurance Regulation (EX) Task Force were consolidated. The new task force will be entitled the Financial Services and Insurance Regulation (EX) Task Force.

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