MLM – Multi-Level Marketing Pyramid Scheme FTC – Business Opportunity Rule – [link] 2022 0310 – FTC – Proposed – Deceptive or Unfair Earnings Claims, Federal Trade Commission PHP – People Helping People   Primerica A.L. Williams American Can Company PFS CitiGroup WFG – World Financial Group Warren Buffett – Pampered Chef is based on selling to…

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Coffeezilla Amish Patel Stephen Findeisen 2023 – [Coffeezilla] / The High Vibration Congregation – @AlwaysMarco Got Sued…AGAIN! Here’s Why! – [Primerica] – [VIDEO-YouTube-13:55] 2023 – LC – Primerica vs Marco Moukhaiber – Always Marco  –  Q2303 13143, Court of King’s Bench of Alberta, Edmonton  —  [BonkNote] 2020 1112 – Coffeezilla – The History…

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Equis Financial Equis Financial – [YouTube-link] 2021 0617 – TDI – Texas Department of Insurance – Consent Order – Equis Financial Official –  Order of the Texas Commissioner of Insurance – 6p No. 2021-6871 TDI Enforcement File No. 19779 General remarks and official action taken: This is a consent order with Equis Financial LLC…

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Actuarial – Snippets – 1960s All these methods are based one way or another on the ancient truth that the present value of benefits, expenses, and margins must equal the present value of premiums. When one considers the interest assumption, it must be remembered that rates are presently very high but may be showing signs…

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Life Insurance Securitization 2006 – AP – Regulation XXX Spurs Insurance Securitization, by Stephen Rooney – <WishList-HeinOnline> 2009 0924 – GOV (House) – Recent Innovations in Securitization, Paul E. Kanjorski (D-PA) [PDF-123p,] Written statement of Joseph M. Belth  – p103- Testimony – Susan Voss (IA) – NAIC House – Committee on Financial Services – Subcommittee…

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Nonlevel Premium and Benefit Policies The valuation actuary concept is a form of dynamic valuation. It’s becoming increasingly clear that the traditional formula-driven valuation standards cannot deal with the many variations and products, and the pace and development of new products. This has become more obvious to me over the last year as I’ve chaired…

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Lies Games, Gimmicks and Tricks Most insurance experts acknowledge that the actuaries who put together policy illustrations are taking some liberties. “One thing I’ve learned over the past couple of years is that one actuary’s truth is another’s pack of lies,” said Judy A. Faucett, a principal at Coopers & Lybrand and head of the task…

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State Government – Snippets REGULATION FROM A LEGISLATOR’S PERSPECTIVE I hope to give you some insight into state government regulation and the way we feel about the life insurance industry. As a state legislator, I have never had any serious problem with the life insurance industry. One reason for this is because life insurance is…

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1990 1210 – GOV (Senate) – Insurance Company Solvency – Howard Metzenbaum (D-OH) 1990 1210 – GOV (Senate) – Insurance Company Solvency: Insurance Company Solvency and Reporting Methods, Howard Metzenbaum (D-OH)  —  [BonkNote] [PDF-596p-GooglePlay, VIDEO-?] ->Not on – R Present: Howard Metzenbaum (D-OH) and Strom Thurmond (R-SC) Surplus Notes, Junk Bonds, Real Estate, Insurance Regulation, …

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