James Collins James Collins (R-TX) 1968-1983 – US House Father, Carr Collins Sr., founded the Fidelity Union Life The ranking Republican on the subcommittee Rep James Collins of Texas “strenuously” objected to the Moss report. Collins in his minority dissent said’ “I would say that the matter of regulating the life Insurance industry is best left to…

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P1P2 – Social Media Indexed Universal Life (IUL) Life Insurance Policies  These policies put a portion of the policyholder’s premium payments toward annual renewable term life insurance, with the remainder added to the cash value of the policy after fees are deducted.  phpagency.com/indexed-universal-life-insurance/ WFG / Transamerica – Official Company Media 2020 0604 – RMCornejo WFG -…

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FSRA – Financial Services Regulatory of Ontario fsrao.ca/ fka – FSCO fsrao.ca/borrowing-purchase-life-insurance-products-risks-and-suitability FSRA – Unfair or Deceptive Acts or Practices (UDAP) – [link] Consultation – [link] 2023 1121 – FSRA – Proposed guidance on Life Insurance Agent & MGA Licensing Suitability  —  [BonkNote]  —  [link]  —  34p 2024 0209 – FSRA – [2023-015] – Comments – Consultation for Proposed…

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Max Karl Ambac – American Mutual Bond Assurance Company MGIC – Mortgage Guaranty Insurance Corp. 1972 0117 – Time Magazine – Insurance: Karl the Magic Man – [link] By now, too, Karl has expanded far beyond his original business; in the past five years he has started subsidiaries that insure commercial leases for small businessmen and municipal…

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Always Marco Always Marco – Index youtube.com/@AlwaysMarco Always Marco – Primerica 2023 – LC – Primerica vs Marco Moukhaiber – [Always Marco]  —  [BonkNote] Action No.: Q2303 13143 2023 0202 – Matthew Cox | Inside True Crime – Exposing Legal Scams | MLM Pyramid Schemes – [Always Marco] – [VIDEO-YouTube-02:06:22] 02:01:44 – [AlwaysMarco] – “Every piece…

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SharkTank  – Shark Tank Global – Three of The Biggest Shark Fights In The Tank | Shark Tank – [VIDEO-YouTube] TOOR –  – Shark Tank Global – Top 3 Pitches Mark Cuban Has Called Out As SCAMS! | Shark Tank US – [VIDEO-YouTube]  

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Charitable Giving With Life Insurance 41. The following have named the University as a beneficiary of part of the proceeds of an insurance policy they are carrying with the College Life Insurance Company of America: Mr. Robert E. Maloney, Bronx, New York Mr. Thomas Robert Moser, San Angelo, Texas Mr. Oocar Ashley Reynolds, Jr., Elgln,…

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Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company Charles Zimmerman 1995 0916 – NYT – Two Big Insurance Companies Will Merge, By The Associated Press The Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company and the Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company have agreed to a merger that will form the nation’s fifth-largest mutual life insurer. Massachusetts Mutual, founded in 1851, is…

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