Conflict of Interest 1966 – LR – The Unauthorized Practice of Law by Laymen and Lay Associations, by Loyd P. Derby – 34p 2005 – LR – The Dirt on Coming Clean,  When rendering legal advice to customers, life insurance salesmen have a conflict of interests—they are interested in setting up an estate plan with…

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Doc Adam 2023 0808 – GP sued for defamation for challenging online medical advice | 7.30 – [VIDEO-YouTube-07:42]

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Compensation Bonuses Charge Backs Commissions Fee For Service Fee Only Flexible Compensation Overrides Target Premium Trips, etc 1986 – SOA – New Forms of Agency Compensation — Impact On Product Design And Company Profitability, Society of Actuaries – 42p

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Threats and Intimidation Always Marco BehindMLM is under threat (GSPartners & the NYSC) Nov.02, 2023 2023 1102 – BehindMLM is under threat (GSPartners & the NYSC) – [link] Jerry Keating, Agent – I began my career with John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Co. in 1965.  (p15) 1993 0525 – GOV (Senate) – When Will Policyholders Be Given…

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Strom Thurmond Strom Thurmond (R-SC) 1947 to 1951 – State Governor 1954 to 2003 – US Senator Senate – Democratic Party until 1964, when he joined the Republican Party 1979 1018 – Congressional Record – Senate – (p28738) – STATE VERSUS FEDERAL REGULATION OF INSURANCE Mr. THURMOND. Mr. President, one of the recurring issues which comes…

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2023 0322 – Always Marco – I FINALLY Found WFG’s Earnings Disclosure – 2023 0322 – Always Marco – I FINALLY Found WFG’s Earnings Disclosure  —   [BonkNote]  —  [VIDEO-YouTube-02:29:38] 13 – Turned down 3k sponsorship for the Primerica Video 17 – James Janney, CoffeeZilla – Most Viewed anti-mlm 17 – WFG (Part 3) – Got taken down -…

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2023 0607 – Always Marco – Meet Terry Johal – WFG 2023 0607 – Always Marco – Meet Terry Johal – WFG  —  [BonkNote]  —  [VIDEO-YouTube-02:38:23] 24:00 – MLM’s Target minority communities 30:00 – Date-? – DRISHTI – Terry Johal – From Rags to Riches and Still Moving Up – WFG – [link] Terry reiterates…

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Dave Ramsey 2022 0908 – The Ramsey Show Highlights – This Is Why Universal Life Insurance Is CRAP! – [VIDEO-YouTube-05:04] TikTok – Young People are gravitating to  UL. Investing in UL.  Commissions made are insane IUL is a newer version of an old bad idea. Components – ART, all life insurance gets more expensive every…

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Social Media – IUL – Indexed Universal Life 2016 0221 – Half_r_mk5 – CTV News Toronto – The bad side of Universal Life Insurance – [VIDEO-YouTube-02:55] 1988 – purchased Universal Life – thought Premiums that would stay the same. paid up after 10 years. Vanishing Premium. money was being taken from the cash portion of his…

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Ethos FFL – Family First Life Ameritas Knockout Guide Field Underwriting Guide Policy Highlights GFI – Global Financial Impact

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