Affinity Life Philip Setter 2023 0607 – Affinity Life – Insurance MLM’s Under Investigation by FSRA-They’re BUSTED Now! – [VIDEO-YouTube-14:31] [Bonk: Add: Report – 2022 0928 – FSRA – CCIR cooperative MGA-focused thematic review – Consolidated observations report  —  [link]  —  30p 12:00 – it’s the Wild West for the last 20, 30 years Nobody wants to…

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2012 – Book – Law and Economics of Insurance 2012 – Book – Law and Economics of Insurance, Edited by Daniel Schwarcz, Professor, University of Minnesota Law School PART I INFORMATION ASYMMETRIES IN THE LAW AND ECONOMICS OF INSURANCE A. Adverse Selection 1. Amy Finkelstein and James Poterba (2002), ‘Selection Effects in the United Kingdom…

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