Chapter 4 – Universal Life (p53) – This Chapter explores the third type of permanent insurance, universal life (UL) insurance, which evolved after numerous modifications to whole life insurance.   (p261) – 11.6 Using illustrations [Bonk – [1]]: Understand, Underwriters – Coverage,  [Bonk – [2]]: Term vs Perm, Perm – Projections, Illustrations = Complex,  [Bonk…

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LLQP – Life License Qualification Program 2014 03 – LLQP – Report on LLQP Curriculum – Survey Results, CISRO-OCRA – 24p 2014 03 – LLQP – Life License Qualification Program – Curriculum, CISRO-OCRA – 58p 2015 05 – LLQP – Life License Qualification Program – Curriculum, CISRO-OCRA – 59p E311 – Life Insurance – 2022…

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Steve Leimberg 2022 – 2018 1215 – Leimberg Newsletter – #2671 – 50p

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Barry Flagg Verlalytic 2017 0522 – Veralytic – Criticism of Hybrid Life Insurance Products – [Barry Flagg] – [VIDEO-YouTube-46:56] SEC 151A, Harkin Amendment Red Flags 35 – HyperFunding –  [Bonk: Curtis Ray – MPI-?] Indexed Loans 46 – Premium Financing [Bonk:  Participation Rates / Cap Rates [Bonk: 2012 0110 – BrokersAlliance – Introduction to Indexed Universal…

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Larry Rybka Valmark 2021 – NAEPC Hall of Fame Award Recipient 2005 07 – JFSP – Guesses, Projections, Promises and Guarantees, Journal of Financial Service Professionals, by Lawrence J. Rybka, J.D., CFP® – 11p 2019 10 – NAEPC JOURNAL – How to Retire in the Magical Retirement Income in the Clouds, Issue 32, by Lawrence…

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Curtis Ray SunCor MPI® Premium Strategy Curtis Ray – Comments About – Curtis Ray – What Happens To MPI® In A Down Market? – 8 – Reloc (known as a Participating Loan) in an IUL – [Bonk: bottom of screen in Video] Intro to MPI® Premium Strategy – 2022 – The Homeboys -…

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Tax Shelters 2003 0719 – NYT – Wealthy Family Is Suing Lawyer Over Tax Plan, By David Cay Johnston – [link-Paywall Free] Since the government began attacking tax shelters in earnest two years ago, a growing number of individuals and corporations who bought shelters that the I.R.S. has either demolished, or may demolish, have filed lawsuits against…

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Rockefeller 2003 0719 – NYT – Wealthy Family Is Suing Lawyer Over Tax Plan, By David Cay Johnston – [link-Paywall Free] A number of wealthy Americans, including at least one Rockefeller, bought similar insurance plans devised by the tax lawyer to escape billions of dollars in gift and estate taxes, according to insurance, legal and accounting…

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