Cancer Insurance 1979 0613 – GOV (House) – , Claude Pepper House – Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce – Subcommittee on Health and the Environment The Subcommittee met to consider Chairman Pepper’s bill, The Senior Citizens Health Insurance Reform Act of 1979 1980 1029 – F.T.C. Assails Cancer Policies As a ‘Poor Buy’; Investigation…

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1990 0930 – NYT – Stubbing a Toe on Primerica, By Diana B. Henriques  1990 0930 – NYT – Stubbing a Toe on Primerica, By Diana B. Henriques  —  [BonkNote]  The markets are clearly of two minds about the Primerica Corporation, the financial conglomerate that owns Smith Barney, Harris Upham & Company, the Commercial Credit…

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1990 1111 – Asbury Park Press – States Cry Foul: A.L. Williams Has Had Several Run-ins with State Insurance Regulators Across the Country, by Ames Alexander 1990 1111 – Asbury Park Press – States Cry Foul: A.L. Williams Has Had Several Run-ins with State Insurance Regulators Across the Country, by Ames Alexander  —  [BonkNote]  11 Nov 1990,…

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2023 0919 – Statement of Defence – Marco – Primerica – 3p  1 – Statement of facts relied on: 1. The Defendant denies each and every allegation made in the Statement of Claim, unless expressly admitted. 1-2 – The Plaintiffs 2. The Plaintiffs are registered corporations in various jurisdictions in the United States of America and Canada…

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