- Now we want to make sure that the consumers are treated fairly and reasonably and have sufficient information upon which to make a decision. (p318)
-- James P. Corcoran. , Superintendent of Insurance, State of New York
- 1984 - {April 11, May 3, 10, June 28, September 13} - GOV - Competition in the Insurance Industry
- There has been a failure on the part of the Judiciary to apply reasonable standards of fairness and equity while dealing with disputes against the insurance companies.
- The end result is a policy that is extremely uncommunicative to the consumer.
-- Frederick W. Kilbourne
1981 - The Life Insurance Business---The View of Consumerists (rsa81v7n17), Society of Actuaries - Daphne Bartlett- Moderator - 16p
- I do think that analogy could lead you to some very incorrect conclusions.
- The principal one that I would address is the question of "honesty".
- There are advertisements for back-end loaded Universal Life products which say things such as,
"A product in which there is no expense charge to the persisting policyholder".
- That language is artfully worded to convince the person who buys that there is no expense charge.
- That is obviously not the case in actuarial pricing.
- There are expenses and they will be amortized one way or another.
-- Thomas Eason
1983 - INDIVIDUAL LIFE INSURANCE, Society of Actuaries
- LC - Walker vs LSW - One Fee
- _____________________ is concerned about defining the fair treatment of consumers as being different from or in addition to legally prescribed standards.
-- 51. Global Federation of Insurance Association (GFIA)
-- 52. American Property Casualty Insurance Association ((APCIA)