
  • Amazon - Best Sellers in Life Insurance - [link]
    • Randal Hendricks’ meticulously researched article in the Houston Law Review, “A Legal Analysis of the Sale of Life Insurance” cannot be found anywhere online.
    • Nor can I locate Venita Van Caspel’s brilliant analysis in her 1975 book, Money Dynamics (Chapter XIII, titled: “Life Insurance – The Great American Fraud?”). In subsequent editions, she was obliged to change the last word to “Dilemma”. Tens of thousands of reprints circulated. Copyright problems?

  • 1991 - Book - Den of Thieves, James B. Stewart
    • Milken, Boesky, Junk Bonds, 

  • 2024 - Book - These Are the Plunderers: How Private Equity Runs—and Wrecks—America, By: Gretchen Morgenson, Joshua Rosner
    • Executive Life, Leon Black, John Garamendi
  • <WishList - Books>
    •  - The Great Misrepresentation regarding the Cost of Life Insurance, by "A Study of Mutual Life Insurance Dividends", National Analytical Service, Inc".  - <WishList>
    • Randal Hendricks - Houston Law Review, “A Legal Analysis of the Sale of Life Insurance”
  • Academic - Life Insurance
    • 1950 - Book - Life Insurance, Huebner
    • 1984 - Book - Life Insurance: Theory and Practice - Robert I. Mehr
  • Actuarial
    • 2018 - Book - Statutory Valuation of Individual Life and Annuity Contracts | 5th Edition -- Claire, Lombardi and Summers

  • - Book - Agent Ethics and Responsibilities, By Michael Lustig