NAIC - International

2008 - NAIC - International Report - Issue No. 32-33 September - December. 2008 - 18p


  • Additionally, NAIC market conduct experts provided an explanation of agent professionalism, which included licensing, training, administrating and requirements for agents who sell universal life products and variable life products. (p3)

Insurance Contracts Subcommittee [Rob Esson (NAIC) – Chair; Ramon Calderon (CA)]
• Met in London on November 6-7 and discussed the meeting documents for IASB’s Insurance Working Group and agreed to a format for a note to IASB on contract boundaries with additional application guidance to come on universal life products. (p12)

2008 - NAIC - International Report - Issue No. 32-33 September - December. 2008 - 18p