O.C. Ferrell

  • 1972 - AP - An Empirical Investigation of Attitudes Toward the Life Insurance - Marketing, by O. C. Ferrell Jr. - 181p 

  • Ferrell, O.C., (1977), “Consumer Attitudes Toward Life Insurance Price Disclosure,” Review of Regional Economics and Business, October.
  • “Life Insurance Attitudes Canonically Correlated to Economic Liberalism, Support for Government Control and Anti-Business Attitudes,” Proceedings of the American institute of Decision Sciences, Michigan State University, 1973
  • "Purchasing Life Insurance," Midwest Business Administration Proceedings, 1983. Co-authors: Kenneth Creapas and David Loy.
  • "Life Insurance Promotion: an Evaluation," Proceedings of the Southwestern Marketing Association (March 1974)
  • "Consumer Attitudes Toward Life insurance Price Disclosure," Proceedings of the Southern Marketing association, 1974, 222.

  • 1998 - AP - The Federal Sentencing Guidelines for Organizations: A Framework for Ethical Compliance, by O. C. Ferrell Debbie Thorne LeClair, Linda Ferrelly - 12p