NLG - National Life Group

  • 1935 - GOV (House) - Regulating the Use of the Mails with Respect to Insurance ...
    • Committee on the post office & post roads
    • Life Insurance Co. , Detroit , Mich . Midwest Life Insurance Co. , Lincoln ... Hercules Life Insurance Co. of Chicago . I will endeavor not to repeat any of ..
  • 1940 - GOV - TNEC - Temporary National Economic Committee 
  • Owners
    • 1848 - Start
      • The Depression did not immediately affect Johnson's fortunes and directly cause the sudden and final cessation of construction. In fact it was four years after the crash on Wall Street when the nation's economic condition actually caught up with him and his project.
        • In 1933 the National Life Insurance Company went into receivership. Johnson had invested a large proportion of the company's assets in banking, an activity that was hit especially hard in the 1930s.
        • National Life had purchased over 12,000 shares of Continental Illinois and Johnson was one of its directors.
        • Shares of Continental sold for as high as $1,400. After the crash it sold for as little as $17.115
      • When National went into receivership, the plant, along with the life insurance company itself, was put on the auction block.
        • National was eventually awarded to Sears, Roebuck and Co. and renamed Hercules
    • - Current (2023)
      • companies of National Life Group