ACLI - People

  • Patrick Baird,AEGON- ACLI Chair - 2008 10 - 2009 10 
  • Brian Bayerle
    • IULWG
  • Robert Beck, Prudential
  • Bruce E. Booker
    • (a member of the American Council of Life Insurance (ACLI) Task Force on Cost Disclosure and the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) Advisory Group on Illustrations)
    • 1988 - SOA - Update on Universal Life Reserves and Non-Forfeiture Values, Society of Actuaries - 36p
    • 1993 - SOA - Sales Illustrations - We Can't Life With Them, But We Can't Live Without Them!, Society of Actuaries - 28p
      • Actuaries can do lots of things.
        • We can provide the field with a clear description of the policy and how it works.
  • John Bruins
  • Carroll Campbell - 1995-2001 -  ACLI - President and CEO -
  • George Coleman
    • 1994 - SOA - Problems and Solutions for Product Illustrations, Society of Actuaries - 28p
      • who is the chairperson of the Technical Resource Group (TRG), which is the industry advisory committee to the NAIC Disclosure Committee.
      • He is vice president, government relations with Prudential Life Insurance Company.
      • George is responsible for Prudential's NAIC activities with special emphasis on life insurance.
      • George serves as a member of the American Council of Life Insurance (ACLI) Legislative Advisory Committee, and Accelerated Benefits Working Group, Marketing Practices Task Force and is a member of several other groups.
  • Kim Dorgan
    • 1999-2015 - Senior Executive Vice President, Public Policy
    • 2015 0108 - ACLI - Press Release - Kim Dorgan Announces Decision to Leave Full-time Position at ACLI - [link]
      • Kimberly Olson Dorgan announced today that she will be departing the ACLI at the end of January 2015.
      • Spouse:  
    • Spouse: Byron Dorgan (D-ND)
  • Bruce Ferguson
    • Senior Vice President, Economic Empowerment & Racial Equity at the American Council of Life Insurers (ACLI).
  • Robert R. Googins
    • 1979 1127 / 1980 0303, 0306 and 0501, 0522 - GOV (House) - Confidentiality of Insurance Records, Richardson Preyer (D-NC) - [PDF-689p-GooglePlay]
    • senior vice president and general counsel, Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Co.;
      • accompanied by Otto Meletzke, assistant general counsel, American Council of Life Insurance
    • 1990-1993 - Connecticut Insurance Commissioner
  • Gene Grabowski
  • Paul Graham
    • 2010-1, NAIC Proceedings - Principles-Based Reserving (EX) Working Group
      • Paul Graham - ACLI - stated that the NAIC should condition a survey to determine the impact on the industry.
        • He said he would be willing to assist the NAIC in developing and distributing such a survey, and suggested the NAIC hire an independent consultant to accumulate the results.
  • Robert Hunstad - (Minnesota Mutual)
    • 1984 0411, 0503, 0510, 0628, 0913 - GOV (House) - Competition in the Insurance Industry - [PDF-759p-GooglePlay]
      • (p301) - Ed FEIGHAN (D-OH):  Well, if insurance is viewed as an investment by the majority of Americans, that's the result of its portrayal over several decades by the industry.
      • Robert HUNSTAD:  I can't respond to that.
        • Senior vice president and actuary, Minnesota Mutual Life Insurance Co., on behalf of the American Council of Life Insurance (ACLI)
  • Gary Hughes
  • Frank Keating2003-2010 - ACLI President
  • Dirk Kempthorne - 2016-, ACLI President and Chief Executive Officer
  • Kelly Ireland, Vice President – Compliance & Ethics, Compliance & Ethics Forum for Life Insurers
    • 2019 1025 - ACLI - Meeting the Challenge of Promoting Ethics, Kelly Ireland, Vice President – Compliance & Ethics, Compliance & Ethics Forum for Life Insurers - 29p
      • Impactful Ideas to Promote Ethics Awareness
        • Small Group Case Study Discussions
          • Use Real (Sanitized) Cases From Your Own Company
          • Supplement With Industry Challenges (e.g. Underfunded Universal Life Insurance Policies and What Steps Company Compliance & Ethics Professionals Can Take to Help Their Companies Address this Issue)
  • Michael Lovendusky
  • John L. Marcus
    • 1984 - SOA - Deregulation of Financial Industries (rsa84v10n221), Society of Actuaries - 30p
      • Senior Vice President of Prudential, in charge of the Insurance Services department.
        • He is also Chairman of Pruco Securities and Vice-Chairman of Pruco Life.
        • In these capacities he is responsible for the development of Prudential's investment type products.
      • At its inception, Mr. Marcus was a deputy on the American Council of Life Insurance (ACLI) Task Force on Financial Services Integration.
        • As a member of its Blueprint Committee he was one of the authors of the ACLI's study of financial services in the 1980's. <WishList>
  • Dan Mica (D-FL)
    • 1979-1989 - US House  
    • 1989-1996 - ACLI Executive Vice President Specializing in Federal Affairs 
    • 1996-2010 - CUNA CEO 
  • Richard Minck - (ACLI)
    • 1980s - Baldwin United
    • 1980-2, NAIC Proceedings
      • 1. Liquidity Problems
        • Mr. Richard Minck, representing the American Council of Life Insurers (ACLI), was requested to provide a general review, from the ACLI's perspective, of the concern over life insurance industry cash flow and liquidity problems.
        • Mr. Minck noted several factors:
    • ... said the most striking change in life insurance in past years was in the non-guaranteed elements. - 1994-1, NAIC Proceedings
  • Blake L. Newton - ACLI President - Years-?
    • 1979 0930 - NYT - The Appeal of Life Insurance Fades, But Most Families Still Buy It, by Edwin McDowell - [link]
      • “If it's a savings account, why do you pay interest on it when you borrow?” asked Blake Newton, president of the American Council of Life Insurance.
        • “Why is it extinguished when you die?”
  • John L. Pearson
  • Larry R. Robinson
    • 1988 - SOA - Actuarial Opinion on Non-Guaranteed Elements, Society of Actuaries - 12p
      • Larry R. Robinson,Chairman of the ACLI Subcommittee on Cost Disclosure
        • The article is entitled "Future Shock" by Harry Lew with the sub-heading: - <WishList>
        • "What will happen when a generation of insurance buyers begins comparing unrealistic illustrations with the actual performance of their policies?
        • Industry leaders would prefer not to find out."
  • Richard S. Schweiker
  • Tony Spano
  • Phillip E. Stano
  • Thomas S. Sutton, Pacific Life
    • [PDF-369p-GooglePlay, VIDEO-?-0227/0507 and 0523> - 0509-VIDEO-CSPAN
  • William Tozer
  • Julius Vogel, Prudential
  • Carl B. Wilkerson
  • Kenneth M. Wright
  • Ed Zimmerman - ACLI
    • 1991-1A, NAIC Proceedings, Life Marketing Practices to Senior Citizens Working Group
      • Ed Zimmerman, American Council of Life Insurers expressed his concern about meaningful disclosures
      • stating that the ACLI did not believe the proposed amendments to the Rules Governing the Advertising of Life Insurance and the Life Insurance Disclosure Model Regulation provide meaningful disclosure.
  • John Booth, Jack Blaine, Richard Barnsback, Daniel F. Case, Julie Spiezio (1989-2) 
  • Emily Micale, Pat Reeder