2016 - LC - ACLI vs. Perez (DOL - Department of Labor) - Fiduciary Rule

  • 2016 - LC - ACLI vs. Perez (DOL - Department of Labor) - Fiduciary Rule - Document 1 - Complaint - 108p
  • 2016 - LC - ACLI vs. Perez (DOL - Department of Labor) - Fiduciary Rule - Document 10 - NOTICE OF RELATED CASES - 3p
    • Pursuant to Local Rule 3.3(a), Plaintiffs in the above- captioned matter, by and through undersigned counsel, hereby give notice that this case is related to three pending cases:
      • (1) Chamber Of Commerce of the United States of America et al. v. Perez et al., Civil Action No. 16-cv-1476 (N.D. Tex., filed June 1, 2016) (Lynn, C.J.);
      • (2) National Association for Fixed Annuities v. Perez et al., Civil Action No. 16-cv-1035, (D.D.C., filed June 2, 2016) (Moss, J.); and
      • (3) Market Synergy Group, Inc. v. United States Department of Labor et al., Civil Action No. 16-cv-4083 (D. Kan., filed June 8, 2016). These cases are related because they “arise[] from a common nucleus of operative fact with the [instant] case.” N.D. Tex. L.R. 3.3(b)(3).