Ed Slott

  • 2023 1110 - ThinkAdvisor - The 2 Biggest Fights Brewing Over DOL’s New Fiduciary Rule, By Melanie Waddell - [link]
    • This aspect of the new rule will be challenged in court, Reish and others, including Ed Slott of Ed Slott & Co., predict.
      • As Slott told me, “Yes, it’s a single rollover, but it also may be the single largest financial transaction a client has ever made — it’s their life savings on that advisor doing what’s in their best interest. And it often doesn’t happen again.”
      • Slott agreed that the single recommendation requirement will likely spark a lawsuit and that “it’s overregulation and it hurts the advisors that are doing the right thing already.”
        • That being said, “financial advisors should be doing this anyway with such a large financial move the client is making,” Slott continued. “Often this rollover amount is larger than the purchase of their home.”
      • Labor, Slott has said, “is putting rollover advice right up there with investment advice.”
  • 2014 0219 - Ed Slott - Ed Slott IUL Tax Free Retirement - [VIDEO-YouTube-5:14]
  • - CPA Ed Slott on Tax Free Retirement Using Life Insurance - [VIDEO-YouTube-34:52]
    • 1:30 - 
    • It's all about the Taxes
    • 1:40 - "I don't sell it and I'm no expert in how all the various life insurance contracts work... That's why there are life insurance professionals that you need to work with to fill in all the details. I do know the end result"
      • Car example..... I know it gets you there, but I don't know how the engine works.
    • Life Insurance can fix money problems
    • Life Insurance can Create Wealth
    • End result
    • Sold vs Advised
  • Ed Slott IUL Tax Free Retirement - "life insurance is an investment" - [VIDEO-YouTube]
  • Tax Free Retirement Explained in 3 Minutes - Ed Slott, CPA Tax Advisor - [VIDEO-YouTube]
  • Retire Safe & Secure With Ed Slott For 2021
    • "move money from forever taxes to never taxed"
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kAQvaQgc-IE
  • 2017 0818 - ThinkAdvisor - Your 5 Best Arguments for Life Insurance (Besides the Death Benefit), By Ed Slott - [link]
    1. IRAs are bad assets; life insurance is a good asset.
    2. Life insurance is an investment, not an expense.
    3. Life insurance has lifetime benefits.
    4. You get more control with life insurance.
    5. Leverage is a powerful tool for wealth creation.
  • 2020 -  The Bombshell Battleplan: How to Defend Against the IRS' Secret Weapon, by David Phillips and Tom Phillips - 46p
    • p11 - Ed Slott – CPA, National IRA Expert - “Your retirement account beneficiary form is the single most important document in your estate plan because it guarantees that the individuals you name as beneficiaries of what may be the single largest asset you own – your retirement savings – will indeed get that asset when you are gone."
    • p26 - The IRA Reboot
  • 2020 0206 - FinancialPlanning.com - Why Life Insurance Is The New Stretch IRA, by Ed Slott - [link] 
    • 2020 0211 - FA-mag.com - Examining Ed Slott’s Proposed Stretch IRA Alternative, by James G. Blase - [link]