CRS - Congressional Research Service - Documents

  • Baird Webel
  • Jean K Rosales
  • 2017 - CRS - Federal Reserve: Oversight and Disclosure Issues, Congressional Research Service
  • 1980 - SOA - The Actuary - Discontinuity, by EJM. Society of Actuaries - 2P
    • William W. Whitson, Ph.D., of the Congressional Research Service (CRS)
  • Military Families and Financial Readiness - Updated January 12, 2022
  • Senate / CRS - Tax Expenditures: Compendium of Background Material on Individual Provisions - Committee On The Budget United States Senate, Prepared by the Congressional Research Committee –
    • Cash Value Life Insurance, Inside Buildup, etc.
    • 2010 – Senate / CRS - Tax Expenditures: Compendium of Background Material on Individual Provisions - Committee On The Budget United States Senate, Prepared by the Congressional Research Committee – 1002p
  • 2005 - CRS - Annual Report of the Congressional Research Service of the Library of Congress for Fiscal Year 2005, Congressional Research Service - 84p
  • CRS - Selected International Insurance Issues in the 115th Congress, Congressional Research Service
  • 2008 1022 - CRS - Annuities and the Securities and Exchange Commission Proposed Rule 151A, RS22974


  • 1987 - CRS - The Liability Insurance Crisis, Congressional Research Service - 14p
    • -> not on
  • 1989 0428 - CRS - Baldwin-United (p) - Financial Crises of the 1970s and 1980s: Causes, Developments, And Government Responses,  Congressional Research Service - 41p
    • ->not on
  • 1989 0713 - CRS - Insurance Company Solvency, Congressional Research Service - [43p-GooglePlay]


  • 1991 0524 - CRS - The Status of the Executive Life Insurance Company, Congressional Research Service
    • Jean K. Rosales - Economic Analyst, Economics Division.
    • [Bonk: Found in 1991 - GOV - Oversight Hearing on the Effect of Proposals to Reform Federal Deposit Insurance on Pension Funds,  (p178-183)]
    • ->Not on
  • 1999 0513 - CRS - Insurance Provisions of Financial Services Modernization Bills in the 106th Congress: Antecedent Supreme Court Decisions, (RS20132), Congressional Research Service - 3p
  • 1999 0610 - CRS - Systemic Risk And The Long-Term Capital
    Management Rescue, Congressional Research Service - 14p
  • 1999 0713 - CRS - Insurance Provisions of Financial Services Modernization Bills in the 106th Congress (RS20098 / 1999-07-13), Congressional Research Service
  • 1999 1216 - CRS - Major Financial Services Legislation, The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (P.L. 106-102): An Overview, Congressional Research Service - 15p ->Not on


  • 2002 - CRS - Optional Federal Chartering for Insurers: Major Interest Groups, by S. Roy Woodall, Jr., Insurance Consultant, Government and Finance Division, Congressional Research Service - 6p
  • 2003 0718 - CRS - Taxation of Life Insurance Products: Background and Issues (RL32000 / 2003-07-18), Congressional Research Service - 37p
  • 2003 0903 - CRS - Optional Federal Chartering for Insurers: Major Interest Groups (RS21172), by Baird Webel - 6p
  • 2003 1224 - CRS - Taxation of Life Insurance Companies, Congressional Research Service - 19p
  • 2005 - CRS - The Current Insurance Broker Investigations: An Overview, RS21966, Baird Webel, Congressional Research Service -  6p - [link]
  • 2005 - CRS - Courts Narrow McCarran-Ferguson Antitrust Exemption for “Business of Insurance,”, RS22118, by Janice E. Rubin, Congressional Research Service - 6p <Wishlist>
  • 2005 0211 - CRS - Insurance Regulation: History, Background, and Recent Congressional Oversight (RL31982), Congressional Research Service - 32p
    • (p2 - Summary) - This report provides the historical background for examining the arguments in this debate. It shows that state regulation of insurance is largely a historical artifact,...
  • 2005 0211 (Updated) - CRS - Revising Insurance Regulation: Policy Considerations, by Baird Webel, Carolyn Cobb, Congressional Research Service - 19p
  • 2005 0817 - CRS - Federal Financial Services Regulatory Consolidation: An Overview, by Walter W. Eubanks, Congressional Research Service - 25p
  • 2006 0523 - CRS - Insurance Regulation in the United States and Abroad, by Baird Webel, Congressional Research Service - 18p
  • 2007 0124 - CRS - Modernizing Insurance Regulation, Congressional Research Service - <WishList>
    • <3 See CRS Report RL32789, Modernizing Insurance Regulation, by Baird Webel -  2006 0523 - CRS - Insurance Regulation in the United States and Abroad, Baird Webel - 18p
  • 2007 0312 - CRS - Courts Narrow McCarran-Ferguson Antitrust Exemption for “Business of Insurance,” RL33683, by Janice E. Rubin, Congressional Research Service - 14p
  • 2007 0921 - CRS - Financial Crisis? The Liquidity Crunch of August 2007, Congressional Research Service - 26p
  • 2007 0925 - CRS - Asset Bubbles: Economic Effects and Policy Options for the Federal Reserve,  Congressional Research Service - 23p
  • 2007 1214 - CRS - Insurance Regulation: Optional Federal Charter Legislation, Congressional Research Service - 16p
  • 2008 0217 - CRS - Insurance Guaranty Funds, by Baird Webel, Congressional Research Service - 12p
  • 2007 0312 - CRS - Courts Narrow McCarran-Ferguson Antitrust Exemption for "Business of Insurance": Viability of "State Action" Doctrine as an Alternative, Congressional Research Service - 14p
  • 2008 0310 - CRS - Bond Insurers: Issues for the 110th Congress, Congressional Research Service - 12p
  • 2008 0321 - CRS - Averting Financial Crisis, Congressional Research Service - 18p
  • 2008 0407 - CRS - Insurance Regulation: Major Interest Groups, by Baird Webel,  Congressional Research Service - 6p
  • 2008 1204 - CRS - Financial Turmoil: Federal Reserve Policy Responses, Congressional Research Service - 31p
  • 2009 0113 - CRS - The Emergency Economic Stabilization Act's Insurance for Troubled Assets (RS22969), by Baird Webel,  Congressional Research Service - 8p
  • 2009 0129 - CRS - Courts Narrow McCarran-Ferguson Antitrust Exemption for “Business of Insurance”: Viability of “State Action” Doctrine as an Alternative, -name redacted Legislative Attorney (RL33683), Congressional Research Service - 14p
  • 2009 0717 - CRS - Financial Regulatory Reform: Analysis of the
    Consumer Financial Protection Agency (CFPA) as Proposed by the Obama Administration and H.R. 3126, Congressional Research Services - 15p

    • The CFPA would not have authority over insurance activities other than mortgage, title, and credit insurance.9
    • 9 See definition of “financial activity,” CFPA Act § 1002(18). See, also, H.R. 3126 § 101(18).
    • For comparison, the Financial Services Authority in the United Kingdom has consumer protection powers over all financial industries, including banking, securities, derivatives, and insurance. Its objectives, as posted on its website, appear to mirror those of the proposed CFPA. The Financial Services and Markets Act gives the FSA four statutory objectives:
      • Market confidence: maintaining confidence in the financial system;
      • Public awareness: promoting public understanding of the financial system;
      • Consumer protection: securing the appropriate degree of protection for consumers; and 
  • 2009 0316 - CRS - Ongoing Government Assistance for American International Group (AIG), by Baird Webel, Congressional Research Services - 15p
    • 2010 0318 - CRS - Ongoing Government Assistance for American International Group (AIG), by Baird Webel, Congressional Research Services - 18p
  • 2009 1002 - CRS - The Global Financial Crisis: Analysis and Policy Implications, Congressional Research Service - 155p


  • 2010 0722 - CRS - Surplus Lines Insurance: Background and Current Legislation, Congressional Research Service - 9p
  • 2010 0726 - CRS - Financial Turmoil: Federal Reserve Policy Responses, Congressional Research Service - 54p
  • 2010 0729 (Updated) - CRS - Securities and Exchange Commission Rule 151A and Annuities: Issues and Legislation, Congressional Research Service - 15p
  • 2010 0817- CRS - The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act: Insurance Provisions, Congressional Research Service - 9p

  • 2011 0311 - CRS - Insurance Regulation Federal Charter Legislation, Congressional Research Service - 12p
  • 2011 0519 - CRS - Congressional Oversight Manual, Congressional Research Service - 166p 

  • 2012  - CRS - Insurance Regulation: Issues, Background, and Legislation in the 112th Congress, Congressional Research Service  - 23p

  • 2013 - CRS - Veterans’ Benefits: Current Life Insurance Programs, Congressional Research Service - 25p

  • 2014 0114 - CRS - The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB): A Legal Analysis, Congressional Research Service - 32p

  • 2015 0102- CRS - Insurance Regulation: Issues, Background, and Legislation in the 113th Congress, Congressional Research Service - 32p
  • 2015 0926 - CRS - Insurance Regulation: Background, Overview, and Legislation in the 114th, Congress, by Baird Webel (Specialist in Financial Economics), Congressional Research Service - 38p

  • 2016 0119 (Updated) - CRS - The Glass-Steagall Act: Legal and Policy Analysis, Congressional Research Service - 28p
  • 2016 1230 - CRS - Insurance Regulation: Issues, Background, and Legislation in the 113th Congress, Congressional Research Service - 42p

  • 2017 - CRS - Selected International Insurance Issues in the 115th Congress, Congressional Research Service - 21p
  • 2017 - CRS - Third Treasury Report on Regulatory Relief: Asset Management and Insurance, Congressional Research Service - 25p
  • 2017 0417 - CRS - Video Broadcasting of Congressional Proceedings, Congressional Research Service - 18p
  • 2017 0417 (Updated) - CRS - The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act: Background and Summary,  Congressional Research Service - 35p
  • 2017 0703 - CRS - Department of Labor’s 2016 Fiduciary Rule: Background and Issues, Congressional Research Service - 28p
  • 2017 1013 - CRS - Government Assistance for AIG: Summary and Cost, Congressional Research Service - 22p
  • 2017 1206 - CRS - Bank Systemic Risk Regulation: The $50 Billion Threshold in the Dodd-Frank Act, Congressional Research Service - 42p
  • 2017 1214 - CRS - The $50 Billion Threshold in the Dodd-Frank Act: Key Findings, Congressional Research Service - 3p

  • 2018 - CRS - Insurance Regulation: Legislation in the 115th Congress,  by Baird Webel, Specialist in Financial Economics, Congressional Research Service - 12p
  • 2018 0412 - CRS - Regulatory Reform 10 Years After the Financial Crisis: Systemic Risk Regulation of Non-Bank Financial Institutions, by Jay B. Sykes, Legislative Attorney, Congressional Research Service - 54p
  • 2018 0413- CRS - Regulatory Reform 10 Years After the Financial Crisis: Dodd-Frank and Securities Law, Congressional Research Service - 28p
  • 2018 0708 - CRS - Financial Reform: Overview of the Volcker Rule, Congressional Research Service - 3p
  • 2018 0912 - CRS - Costs of Government Interventions in Response to the Financial Crisis: A Retrospective, Congressional Research Service - 45p
  • 2018 0924 - CRS - Systemically Important or “Too Big to Fail” Financial Institutions, Congressional Research Service - 42p
  • 2018 1129 - CRS - After Prudential, Are There Any Systemically Important Nonbanks?, Congressional Research Service - 3p

  • 2019 0108 - CRS - Introduction to Financial Services: Derivatives, Congressional Research Service - 3p
  • 2019 - CRS - Introduction to Financial Services: Insurance, Baird Webel, Specialist in Financial Economics, Congressional Research Service - 3p
  • 2019 0214 (Updated) - CRS - Selected International Insurance Issues in the 116th Congress, R45508, Congressional Research Service - 26p
  • 2019 1209 - CRS - Repurchase Agreements (Repos): A Primer, Congressional Research Service - 3p
  • 2019 1212 - CRS - Regulation Best Interest (Reg BI): The SEC’s Rule for Broker-Dealers (R46115) - Version 1 - 29p


  • 2020 - CRS - Federal Reserve: Emergency Lending, Congressional Research Service - 40p
    • Section 13(3) of the Federal Reserve Act (12 U.S.C. 344).
    • This obscure section of the act was described in a 2002 review as follows: “To some this lending legacy is likely a harmless anachronism, to others it’s still a useful insurance policy, and to others it’s a ticking time bomb of political chicanery.” 1
      • 1 David Fettig, Lender of More than Last Resort, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, December 1, 2002 - [link]
  • 2020 0310 (Updated) - CRS - Who Regulates Whom? An Overview of the U.S. Financial Regulatory Framework, Congressional Research Service - 34p
  • 2020 0827 - CRS - The Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLB) System and Selected Policy Issues, Congressional Research Service - 30p

  • 2021 0108 - CRS - Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC): A Primer, Congressional Research Service - 26p
  • 2021 0115 - CRS - U.S. - China Investment Ties: Overview, IF11283, Congressional Research Service - 3p
  • 2021 0104 - CRS - Introduction to Financial Services: Insurance, Congressional Research Service - 3p
  • 2021 1110 - CRS - Federal Support for the Municipal Bond Markets, Congressional Research Service - 3p

  • 2022 - CRS - Introduction to Financial Services: Insurance, Congressional Research Service - 3p
  • 2022 (Update) - CRS - Military Families and Financial Readiness, (R46983),  Congressional Research Service - 27p
  • 2022 0601 - CRS - Pensions and Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs): An Overview - R47119 - 26p
  • 2023 0309 - CRS - Capital Markets: Overview and Selected Policy Issues in the 118th Congress, R47431, Version 4, Congressional Research Services - 55p   
  • 2023 0412 - Original 2019 - CRS - Introduction to Financial Services: Capital Markets - 3p
  • 2023 0915 - CRS - Conflict of Interest in Investment Advice Within Retirement Plans: An Overview - 3p  
  • 2024 0403 - CRS - Pensions and Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs): Investment Issues, R47996 - 40p    
  • 2024 0423 - CRS - The Department of Labor’s Proposed Rule on Investment Advice in Private Sector Pension Plans and Individual Retirement Accounts - R48045 - 25p
  • 2024 0524 - CRS - Americans’ Investment Options in Capital Markets for Retirement - 3p    
  • Reconciling McCarran-Ferguson (Insurance) Case Law and ERISA Preemption: Kentucky Assn of Health Plans, Inc. v. Miller (RS21497 / 2005-01-06)
  • Holocaust-era Insurance Claims: Federal Court Decisions and State Statutes and Federal Legislative Proposals (RL32448 / 2004-06-21)
  • CRS Insight IN11511, Insurance and Unexpected Risks: COVID-19 in 2020 and Terrorism in 2001
  • The Special Inspector General (SIG) for the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP), December 22, 2009 (December 22, 2009)
  • Financial Regulatory Reform: Analysis of the Consumer Financial Protection Agency (CFPA) as Proposed by the Obama Administration and H.R. 3126 (July 17, 2009)
  • Hedge Funds: Should They Be Regulated (July 13, 2009)
    The Global Financial Crisis: Analysis and Political Implications (July 10, 2009)
  • Preserving Homeownership: Foreclosure Prevention Initiatives (July 6, 2009)
  • Economic Stimulus: Issues and Policies (July 6, 2009)
  • The Size and Role of Government: Economic Issues (July 1, 2009)
  • The Financial Crisis: Impact on and Response by the European Union (June 24, 2009)
  • China and the Global Financial Crisis: Implications for the United States (June 3, 2009)
  • Financial Market Intervention, January 13, 2009 (January 13, 2009)