2023 0607 - Always Marco - Meet Terry Johal - WFG
- 24:00 - MLM's Target minority communities
- 30:00 - Date-? - DRISHTI - Terry Johal - From Rags to Riches and Still Moving Up - WFG - [link]
- Terry reiterates that insurance is a living benefit.
- “We sell Life Insurance. It is a living benefit in North America that is no longer available in the UK. You can save and have insurance to protect your family if something goes wrong. An insurance benefit works both ways: the early demise of a person or if one lives too long.”
- ⇒ AM - Is that true? I don't know.
- 32:00 - AM - Same Pitch as a meeting at their office.
- WFG - Training, no education needed.
- Rooted in reality, then into nonsense
- 34:30 - AM - life is hard
- 40 - WFG - No income disclosure
- 42 - not mlm, is mlm - AM - MLM = Pyramid scheme = Infinite Level Marketing
- 49 - Book - Execute 90