Transferring Information - Company to Agent

  • Crown Life - Casteel
    • mp3
  • 1994 - - Western National's Deceptive" Memo: (Western is Incomplete disclosure on rating), 
    • THE FEBRUARY ISSUE of the Insurance Forum contained a memo from Western National Life's marketing department to its agents summarizing its ratings.

      • Joseph Belth, the editor of the Insurance Forum, believes that the memo was deceptive for

        three reasons.

    • ...
    • Joseph Belth wrote to Western and asked about the omissions in the definitions. Western responded by saying that "our Field Up-date publications are intended for the sole use of, and are distributed only to, our...agents... These summaries [were not] intended for clients."


    • Belth's response: "Outrageous...lnformation is deceptive if it gives recipients an erroneous impression of important relationships...A company has an obligation to provide nondeceptive information to all its constituencies, including its agents." Indeed.