2018 - VIDEO - The Power of Zero: The Tax Train is Coming - David McKnight

  • Tax Rates
    • 2 - 94%
      • Ronald Reagan
    • 1970s - 70% 
    • Now
  • Debt, Deficit and GDP
  • 5 - Martin Eichenbaum
  • Trump - 
  • Nada
  • 6 - Laurence J. Kotlikoff, Professor of Economics, Boston University, US Presidential Candidate
  • Tom McClintock
  • Tom Hegna, Author, Speaker, PBS Host
  • Van Mueller, Speaker and Financial Advisor
  • -
  • Joseph H. Davis
  • 8 - Hegna
    • Old people don't spend money
  • 9 - Ben Bernanke
  • 9 - Eichenbaum
  • 10 - Alan Auerbach
  • 10 - David Walker
  • Scott Howell, Gary Herbert - Utah Governor
  • 10 - Hegna
  • McClintock
    • post war boom
  • 12 - Armstrong
  • 12 - re: CBO, OPM, - All saying we have a problem
  • Maya
  • 13 - Ben Bernanke - CBSN
  • Eichenbaum - re: Trump People, entitlements, paying more taxes
  • Nada
  • David Walker - US Comptroller General - 1998-2008
  • Nada

  • 18 - Van Mueller

  • 18 - Don Blanton, President, MoneyTrax, Inc., Financial Advisor
  • Van Mueller
    • Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, the UnAffordable Care Act, 
  • 19 - David McKnight - Social Security
  • 20 - Van Mueller - Biggest birth years
  • 21 - Greg Glassman, CEO, Crossfit
  • Nobody wants to have the hard conversation
    • Why is it being swept under the rug?
  • 22 - David Walker
    • 1983 - Social Security Reform
      • Reason - Trust Fund was going to go dry in a matter of months.  Social Security payments.
  •  - 
  • 23 - Nada - Perhaps even double tax rate
  • Auerbach
  • 24 - Procrastination, kick the can down the road
    • Reduced benefits - Nobody will allow that to happen - Dramatic Tax Increases
  • 24 - Van Mueller
  • re: David Walker - 60 Minutes - 2008 - Tax Rates will have to double. - 4 letter word - Math - Politicians aren't proficient at that
  • nada - Higher tax rates / cut spending - fulfilling promises
  • 26 -
  • Sovereign Debt Crisis
  • 28 - Bond Markets
  • Federal Debt Held by the Public
  • 30 - George P. Schultz, Former Secretary of State, Secretary of Treasury, Hoover Institute - Distinguished Fellow
  • 30 - David Walker
  • 31 - US Budget - Discretionary vs non-Discretionary - Promises
  • George P. Schultz, Former Secretary of State, Secretary of Treasury, Hoover Institute - Distinguished Fellow
    • Interest Rate - 0%
    • Deficit
  • 33 - Book - The Power of Zero - Self-Published - Book Version of Presentation

  • 01:00:00 - Van Mueller
  •  - Ed Slott
  • David McKnight - 401ks - Maximize Cash Flow
  • Don Blanton - Loan - 
  • 01:06:00 - Don Blanton -
    • [Bonk: Walker v LSW -
  • 01 - Laurett Sanchez - The Raft Strategy
  • 01:08:00 - David McKnight - Reposition dollars from Tax-Deferred to Tax-Free
  • Ed Slott - 
  • 01:10:00 - 
  • 01:12:00 - Elizabeth Warren
  • Van Mueller

  • End - Armstrong Williams, TV Host, Radio Host, Author, Commentator