2021 0602- Doug Andrew - 3 Dimensional Wealth - What Is The Fiduciary Rule In Financial Services?

  • [Bonk: LASER Fun = Indexed Universal Life Insurance]
  • 2 - Hidden Agenda - 
  • - Who is the best to look out for their own best interest, decision.
  • 3-4 - 2008 - IRAs, 401ks - Lost money - 40%
    • "I could show you how to protect yourself to never lose again when the Market goes down."
  • Taxes - High or lower in the future
  • 5 - Convert money to tax-free
  • 5 - creating predictable income
  • 4% rule
  • 6 - Hidden Agenda of the DOL -
    • 7 - CFPB - Richard Cordray - 
  • 9 - 30% into US treasuries
  • 10 - I've never recommended people invest in a 401k or IRA - 
  • Invest in the LASER Fund
  • 11 - The LASER Fund will knock the socks off of a 401k or IRA