Timeline - Regulations

  • 1973 / 1975 - NAIC - LIBG
    • 1984 - NAIC - LIBG - Added Universal Life
      • 1983 - NAIC / ACLI - LIBG - Revised Draft Life Insurance Buyers Guide, letter and Disclosure Model Regulation  - 1983-1 523 - 27p
      • 1993 - NAIC / ACLI - LIBG - Life Insurance Buyers Guide - 5p 
    • LIBG - Life Insurance Buyer's Guide - Versions - [BonkNote]
  • 1984 - NAIC - ULMR – Universal Life Insurance Model Regulation – MDL-585 – NAIC
    • 1989 - NAIC - Policy Information for Applicant - Universal Life  ---  [BonkNote]

  • 1995 - NAIC - 1996-1, NAIC Proc. - LIIMR- NAIC membership adopted a new Life Insurance Illustrations Model Regulation  ---  
  • 1996-1, NAC Proceedings - LIBG - 6. Discuss Amendments to Life Insurance Buyer's Guide
    • Mr. Dunlap said that a small group consisting of Tony Higgins [North Caroline - Senior Deputy Commissioner], Brenda Cude (University of Illinois Cooperative Extension Service), and Chris Kite (FIPSCO) and himself had rewritten the buyer's guide (Attachment One-C).
    • 1996 - NAIC Draft redlined Life Insurance Buyer's Guide - Draft 1996-3B 931 - 6p 
  • 1997 - SEC - Equity Indexed Insurance Products