Tony Higgins

  • North Carolina -
    • mid-1980s-?-1994-? - Senior Deputy Commissioner
  • Boyd A. 'Tony' Higgins
    • - Jan. 2, 2024
  • 1993-4, NAIC Proceedings - Tony Higgins (NC) agreed that there was a problem with lack of education of the agents.
  • 2. Standardized Assumptions
    • Tony Higgins (N.C.) asked the working group to consider projections into the future for only a few years of the non-guaranteed elements, and then projections further into the future of standardized assumptions or guarantees.
    • Bob Wright said this allows a company to show how its policy works without the problem of projections of non-guaranteed elements far into the future.
    • Lester Dunlap (La.) also expressed interest in the idea of standardized assumptions to show how the policy works.
      • He said projections far into the future can border on misrepresentation.

1994-3, NAIC Proc. 

  • 1996-1 NAC Proceedings - 6. Discuss Amendments to Life Insurance Buyer's Guide
    • Mr. Dunlap said that a small group consisting of Tony Higgins [North Caroline - Senior Deputy Commissioner], Brenda Cude (University of Illinois Cooperative Extension Service), and Chris Kite (FIPSCO) and himself had rewritten the buyer's guide (Attachment One-C).
    • 1996 - NAIC Draft redlined Life Insurance Buyer's Guide - Draft 1996-3B 931 - 6p