2023 0815 - Diberli - Pinnacle Elite Overview by Eric Olson of World Financial Group - WFG

  • 9 - What do you do? We show you what wealthy people do with their money. We do it for free. It's not sales, it's financial education.
  • Grampa had a 30 year term, died months after the policy expired.
  • 11 - Rule of 72, Albert Einstein
  • 14 - put money where the banks put their money
  • 14 - he has done 6-12% over the last 17 years
  • 14 - Fixed, Variable, Indexed
  • 15-?- Indexed - Hybrid of Fixed and Variable, Can't lose any money. Stairway to heaven, upside no downside. Most people don't know about Indexed. Because people don't have the right licenses. Tax now, Tax later, Tax Advantaged / Free. Farmer / Seeds / Harvest - Government, 401k, Benefits the government, 
  • 3 Rules of Money
    1. Rule of 72, Compound interest
    2. How money grows - We recommend Indexed
    3. How money gets taxed - We recommend Tax Advantaged.
  • If we could help you...
    • get a million dollars for your family, with Legacy, when you retire
    • get a million in retirement, guarantees you never lose money, guaranteed pension for life
    • we don't charge you any fees
    • take all the money out tax free
    • Kind of a no brainer
  • We don't sell anything, we do financial education.
    • Six Steps
      1. Increase their cash flow and make more money
      2. College Planning - Rockefeller College Account
      3. Emergency Fund
      4. Proper Protection - Family, Health, Business, Money
      5. Build Wealth
      6. Preserve Wealth
  • Baby Boomers
    • Only company helping Baby Boomers and we aren't charging people.
    • Our company is going through a huge expansion phase
    • We are business owners. 
    • Financial Industry is the highest paid industry
    • Slide - 30 Benefits to working with us
    • My payroll has been 50 Million
    • How to Start - $100 to get code, and get your insurance license
      • Compared to State Farm start up costs - $100,000
    • Compensation types.
    • Ownership program. You own the company, can sell, etc.
    • Training.
    • If we can do it, you can do it. 
    • Brokers, Agents - Similar to Real Estate
    • 26 - Part time agents make $1,000 per week, etc
    • 28 - The company pays us to help you
    • 28 - Find somebody successful and do what they do.
    • 30 - Incentives, trips, etc.
    • MVPs
    • WFGs by the numbers
    • 32 - Referral Program - 50%