2023 0828 - The Power of Zero - David McKnight - The Truth About Doug Andrew and His Retirement Philosophy 

  • I admire him, he has done more to bring to light the benefits of the Life Insurance Benefit Plan than just about anyone on the planet.
  • Differences between Doug Andrew and David McKnight
  • Roll out vs roll over - 401ks, IRAs
    • Stock Market
      • Doug Andrew - Anti-Stock Market
      • David McKnight - Not Anti-Stock Market
  • Doug Andrew - Laser Fund = IUL
  • David McKnight - Doug says to roll all your 401ks and IRAs into a IUL.  I disagree
  • 4% rule, stock market accounts, IUL account, 
  • 9 - David McKnight - Doug is a pioneer in this industry. Done more to expose the benefits of Indexed Universal Life than anyone on the planet.
    • However.... IUL only one thing to use