2023 0120 - Always Marco - My Plan To Take Down MLM's - [VIDEO-YouTube-02:36:26]

  • 35 - Primerica
  • MarketAmerica - Celebrities
  • Jamie Foxx / Fat Joe
  • 38 - John Oliver - MLM
  • 42 - Nathan - ACN
  • 56 - Coffeezilla - Sam Bank-Friedman, Bernie Madoff, Markopolous
  • 01:00:00 - 
  • 1:00:00 - FTC - BOR, Business Opportunity Rule, ACN Part 2, DSA - Direct Selling Association - Form Letters to Congress
  • Nobody told the other side of the story
  • Self-Blame - Shamed - Bullied -
    • Eli - Girl - Multi-Level Misery Yesterday
  • Non-Disparagement Agreement
  • 01:08:00 - AM - People should report their experiences to FTC 
  • Always Marco - Plan - Comparison - Income Disclosures - FTC - Social Media Accounts - Submit everything to the FTC - 
  • Always Marco - VIDEO - I'm In Trouble and I can't Talk about it
    • 01:09:00 - FTC Voting on BOR
    • 2021 - Letter - FTC - 1000 companies
    • Hey FTC - Come check this shit it out. They want to know. It's their job.
  • 01:12:00 - Robert Fitzpatrick - Coffeezilla - I don't have hope that the government will do anything.
    • MLMs give money to the government, etc...
  • 01:15:00 - Joe Biden - Segregation in Schools
  • 01:16:00 - You don't just call up and action taken by government immediately
  • 01:16:00 - one company, then the next, then the next, then the next,
  • Kill the problem at it's source
    • 1979 - Amway
    • Ronald Reagan
    • Donald Trump
      • Speaking
      • Betsy Devos, Richard Devos
      • Kamala Harris - Husband defends Herbalife
  • Equating Harry Markopolous / Bernie Madoff / SEC
    • Now we have social media, internet, anti-mlm community.
  • 01:16:00 - 01: - 
  • 01:24:00 - Comment: start a non-profit/ AM - No.
  • 01:27:00 - Crypto - Bitcoin - etc
  • 01:29:00 - Can't just say MLM companies are bad, have to go company by company
  • 01:34:00 - Always Marco - VIDEO - Debating a Senior Member of Primerica - <WishList>
  • 01:35:00 - Monat - Income Disclosure -