2012 1011 - ThinkAdvisor.com - What's a L.I.R.P.?, By David C. McKnight 

  • However, unless the L.I.R.P. is structured correctly, the expenses can overwhelm the growth inside the accumulation account.
  • In order to maximize the impact of the L.I.R.P. strategy, a client must purchase the minimum insurance required while contributing the maximum amount allowed under IRS guidelines.
  • ⇒ If properly structured, the expenses within the plan can cost as little as 1% of the annual account balance over the life of the program.That’s less than the average annual expenses in the typical 401(k).5
    • 4 - An equity indexed-based L.I.R.P., at preferred rates, using a minimum non-MEC face amount of $173,161, an increasing death benefit option, a $10,000 annual premium for 15 years, and an 8% rate of growth, has an internal rate of return in year 25 of 6.99%, or average annual fees of 1.01%.
    • 5 - 2012 0131 - ThinkAdvisor.com - How to Take Advantage of New 401(k) Fee Disclosures (U.S. News & World Report), By Staff Writer - [link]