Thao v. Midland National - 09-cv-1158

  • 2009 - LC - Thao v. Midland National  ---  [BonkNote]
    • 2:2009cv01158
    • Wisconsin Eastern District Court
    • 12/18/2009 - 01/09/2013
  • p6 - A. The Black Box of Life Insurance
    • 6. Life insurance contracts are circular, interrelated series of cash flows into, out of, and within a policy.
    • There are innumerable ways to establish these cash flows...
  • p7 - B. Basic Structure and Operation of Life Insurance Contracts

--  Declaration of Robert E. Wilcox in Opposition to Plaintiff's Motion for Class Certification -- Former Utah Insurance Commissioner and Chairman of the LDWG - Life Disclosure Working Group - (A) - NAIC

2011 0211 - LC - Thao v. Midland National - Document 34 - Declaration of Robert E. Wilcox in Opposition to Plaintiff’s Motion For Class Certification - 09-cv-1158 - 44p

  • Q. Do you recall the vanishing premium litigation?
  • A (Wilcox): Very well.
  • Q. Would you agree that the sales practices that were used in the vanishing premium -- in selling those policies was problematic?
  • MR. HIGGINS: Objection. Vague.
  • THE WITNESS (Wilcox): In a limited number of cases, that was true. But again, that's a different question than you asked before.
    • Problematic is not the same as unlawful.
  • MR. PAUL: Q. Do you not believe that the sales practices used -- that were at issue in the vanishing premium issue were unlawful?
  • .....
  • THE WITNESS (Wilcox): There may have been a few instances where it was unlawful. In general, it was not.

--  Deposition of Robert E. Wilcox, Former Utah Insurance Commissioner and Chairman of the Life Disclosure Working Group (NAIC)

66-1 -2012 0313 - LC - Thao v. Midland National - Document 66-1 -Deposition of Robert E. Wilcox - 09-C-1158 - 9p