Gretchen Morgenson

  • 2023 - Book - These Are the Plunderers: How Private Equity Runs—and Wrecks—America, by Gretchen Morgenson and Joshua Rosne
  • 2008 0618 - NYT - MBIA Debt is Setting Up Standoff with Regulators, By Gretchen Morgenson and Vikas Bajaj - [link]
    • The risks associated with the vast, unregulated market for credit default swaps played a crucial role in the bailout of Bear Stearns.
    • Now these financial instruments are taking center stage in another Wall Street drama: whether regulators will let MBIA, the big bond insurance company, renege on a promise to shore up a crucial unit with $900 million in capital.
  • 2008 0809 - NYT - Naked Came the Speculators,  - [link]
    • Still, Mr. Dinallo said, the valuations of C.D.S.’s remain absurdly optimistic on both the books of the bond insurers who wrote them and the companies who bought them.
      • As regulator in this particular poker game, he gets to see both parties’ hands.