Academic Papers - WishList
- 1952 - The Professional Concept of Life Underwriting, By Solomon S. Huebner - <WishList>
- 21May52, The American College
- <WishList> - 1955 - AP - The Origins of the National Association of Life Underwriters. Business History Review, Proschansky, H, 29(3), 238-262
- 1973 - AP - <WishList> - “New South Life: A Case Study”, by James L Athearn, in the April 1973 issue (Vol. XIX, No. 5) of Business and Economic Review; published by the Bureau of Business and Economic Research, University of South Carolina;
- 1983 06 - SOA - Editorial - The Actuary - The New South Life Case, EJM (Ernest J Moorhead (Jack)), Society of Actuaries - 2p
- 1973 - AP - Let's Teach Life Insurance Concepts, Larry D. Coleman, The Journal of Business Education Volume 49, 1973 - Issue 3 - <Wishlist>
- 1978 - AP - Dividend decisions and the structure of the life insurance industry, Roger A. Formisano - <Wishlist>
- 1978 - AP - "Effectiveness of the Proposed FTC, NAIC, and BELTH Cost Disclosure Systems", (115 pages; + 59 page appendix)., Jacob Jacoby - <Wishlist>
- 1978 - AP - "Study of likely impact of disclosure of life insurance costs on agent and consumer behavior." - (L0226). - Jacob Jacoby, - <Wishlist>
- 1982 - AP - Richard G. Schectman, New Concepts in Life Insurance Planning: Universal Life, 13 Cumb. L. Rev. 219, 222 (1982).
- [Bonk: Available on HeinOnline, From Thao v Midland, Case No. 09-C-1158, Case 2:09-cv-01158-LA Filed 05/24/12 Page 2 of 19 Document 73, UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT EASTERN DISTRICT OF WISCONSIN, - <Wishlist>
- 2020 - ACLI - Amici Curiae Brief - State Farm v. Michael Vogt - Supreme Court of the United States - No. 20-1008 - 24p
- 2005 - AP - The Highly Troubled Ethical Environment of the Life Insurance Industry: Has It Changed Significantly from the Last Decade and If so, Why?, Cooper, R., & Frank, G. (2005), Journal of Business Ethics, 58(1/3), 149-157, - <Wishlist>
- 2006 - AP - The Institutionalization of Deceptive Sales in Life Insurance, Ericson, Richard V. and Aaron Doyle (2006). British Journal of Criminology, 46, 993-1010, - <Wishlist - I do have a copy, but not a good one.>
- 2006 - AP - Regulation XXX Spurs Insurance Securitization, by Stephen Rooney - <WishList-HeinOnline>
- <WishList> - 23Jerry W. Markham, “ A Comparative Analysis of Consolidated and Functional Regulation: Super Regulator: A Comparative Analysis of Securities and Derivatives Regulation in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Japan,”
- 2005 0817 - CRS - Federal Financial Services Regulatory Consolidation: An Overview, Walter W. Eubanks - 25p
- 2020 - - The Influence of Client Corporate Social Responsibility, by LE Hickman - <WishList>