- 1. Voted to Expose the ACLI and the Alternative Actuarial Guideline for IUL Illustrations
- Paul Graham (American Council of Life Insurers--ACLI) said the ACLI's proposed actuarial guideline for indexed universal life (IUL) illustrations (Attachment Eight-A) was approved by a supermajority of members of the ACLI Life Insurance Committee, the CEO Steering Committee on Retirement and Financial Security, and the Board of Directors.
- John Bruins (ACLI) highlighted the substantive modifications that have been made to the proposal since its initial introduction in March 2014.
2014-1, NAIC Proc. - LATF - Life Actuarial (A) Task Force
- 2014-1, NAIC Proceedings
- Attachment Twenty-Six - Life Actuarial (A) Task Force - 11/14-15/14 - October 28, 2014
- To: Mr. Mike Boerner, Chairman - NAIC Life Actuarial Task Force
- From: ACLI
- Re Actuarial Guideline on Illustrations of Indexed Universal Life Policies
- Illustrated rates vs. market conduct items
- Consistency across UL products
- The maximum illustrated rate should be set at a level that is consistent with other products and allows IUL illustrations to illustrate these differences.
- The 12% maximum illustrated rate was selected for VUL because it was unlikely that an average would exceed 12%.
- The maximum for IUL illustrations should be set with a similar goal.