Always Marco

  • 2020 1008 - The High Vibration Congregation / Coffeezilla - WFG (World Financial Global) Tried To Censor Undercover Investigation - [VIDEO-YouTube]
  • 2021 0305 - The High Vibration Congregation / Coffeezilla - Tony Robbins Seminar is WILD - The Drip Podcast - [VIDEO-YouTube-04:10:28]
  • 2021 - Billionaires are getting exposed tonight... - The DRIP LIVE - Coffeezilla - HVC
  • 2021 1104 - Always Marco - MLM's Want To Steal Your Soul (with Robert Fitzpatrick) - [VIDEO-YouTube-01:39:00]
    • College of New Jersey
    • Marco Moukhaiber (Social Media Activist) - AlwaysMarco
      • Marco Moukhaiber is a social media activist for the Anti-MLM movement with 60k subscribers on YouTube. His first exposure to MLM was through his high school best friend, who unsuccessfully attempted to recruit Marco to his downline, leading to the breakdown of their friendship.
      • Marco routinely attends the virtual and in-person meetings of MLM companies anonymously, using hidden cameras to record the true nature of what happens on the inside.
      • His series “Infiltrating A Pyramid Scheme” examines MLM companies from every conceivable angle and his interview series “Multi-Level Misery” offers a platform to victims of MLM companies to share their stories.
      • His YouTube channel is Always Marco.
  • 2024 0514 - Bloomberg - How the ‘Harvard of Trading’ Ruined Thousands of Young People’s Lives: IM Academy promises a Wall Street education. But instead of riches, many of its members have lost everything., by By Alice Kantor - [link]
    • Marco Moukhaiber, a former concert promoter turned YouTube vigilante, was in his condo in Edmonton, Alberta, in the summer of 2020 when he decided IM was his next target. He’d built a 93,000-person YouTube following with the release of video exposés of MLMs including health insurance company Primerica Inc. and telecom company ACN, and he’d already received cease-and-desist letters and threats of legal action from a few. Now his followers were directing him to IM. After weeks of research, Moukhaiber pretended to be interested in the platform and secretly recorded a recruiter telling him what IM had to offer.
      • Six months later, on Feb. 8, 2021, Moukhaiber released a 40-minute YouTube video, exposing Terry’s MLM history and the unsubstantiated claims IM consistently made about young adults getting rich from it. The video described the hundreds of thousands of young people who’d been left penniless and humiliated. Within a few days, it had clocked 590,000 views.
      • Terry sued Moukhaiber for defamation. The YouTuber couldn’t afford a drawn-out legal battle, so he settled, agreeing not to make any more videos about IM. But the damage to the company was done. Videos were circulating by former IM subscribers denouncing the harm the company had inflicted on teenagers around the world.