Art Williams

  • 2019 - EntreLeadership - [Dave Ramsey] - How To Change Your Life and Your Business - Art Williams - [VIDEO-YouTube-54:47]
    • 8:15 - In 1977 the Life Insurance Companies owned 60% of the Assets in the United States. They owned the politicians and they owned the Regulators. They had been in business for over 100 years. They did everything they could possibly do to put A.L. Williams out of business. But the industry had to defend things that were indefensible.
    • They had to defend selling a fraud.
    • They sold a Cash Value Life Insurance Product whether it was called Whole Life or Universal Life or any of that stuff out there - there were two Benefits locked together in one Contract. - Insurance and Savings. You pay for 2 things, but you only got one.
      • If you died, your family got the Life Insurance Benefits, but they kept your Savings.
      • If you wanted you Savings, you had to Surrender your Life Insurance.
      • A.L. Williams separated that. Split-Funding we called it.
        • Where you bought an Insurance Policy, a Cheap Term Insurance policy from an Insurance Company and you Invested with an Investment Company. You paid for two things and you got both things.
    • Next, they had to defend you lose your Savings if you die.
      • Let me ask you this - What kind of Low Life Scum Sucking Dog could create a product like that? A Savings program you lose if you die. 
      • ....Prudential - Low Death Benefit
      • They had to defend that 90% of their Agents - 90% of those Scum Sucking Dogs owned Term Insurance on their own life. They bought the inexpensive stuff and sold Trash Value to their clients. Who could do something like that?
      • ... 
      • 10:15 - Number one - We Destroyed Trash Value.
        • Now these are the Industry numbers, not A.L. Williams made up numbers - From 1977 to 2003 the Life Industry lost 41 Million Life Insurance Policies. 41 Million Policies. Ain't that something?
        • 1977 - Life Insurance - 90% Cash Value, 10% Term
        • 2003 - Life Insurance - 90% Term, 90% Cash Value
        • A.L. Williams did that.
        • ...
        • Life Insurance Industry went from 250,000 to 170,000. Lost 80,000 People. Ain't that Something? Ain't that Something?
      • Number Two Goal - Beat Prudential, New York Life
      • Number Three Goal - Build Financial Independent Families
  • 1979 1213 - The Atlanta Journal - Football Coach Becomes Insurance 'Maverick' - [Art Williams] 
  • 1986 - ArtWilliamsBest - Fake News  ---  [BonkNote]  ---  [VIDEO-YouTube-20:11]
    • 1986 06 - Consumer Reports - Life Insurance - p371-402 - 32p
  • 1989-? - ArtWilliamsBest - War - [VIDEO-YouTube-09:45]
    • 1 - Cease and Desist from Tennessee - Little Mickey Mouse thing
      • [Bonk:  1989 0526 - The Atlanta Constitution - Tennessee Assails A.L. Williams Marketing Practices  ---  [BonkNote]  
    • Barbara King
    • 3 - I've been in this stupid business for 21 years
    • 3 - Getting Insurance License
    • 3 - Screwing - "Trash Value" - Crap - 
    • 4 - We are not a Term sales organization, we are a sales organization ... we just use Term Insurance because we found the biggest screwing to the American Consumer....
    • 5 - Art, why do you get so mad ... when some lowlife attacks you.... you don't wimp out....
    • 6 - Jane Bryant Quinn - Without Cash Value guys, there wouldn't be A.L. Williams
      • [Bonk: Find article]
    • 6 - I want to help start a war - Animal - [Bonk: Who is Animal?]
    • 7:30 - You want to hurt the competition. I know they watch everything I do and they are going to have a ball with this. I've always said that you spies are stupid to watch our TV, to get our sales materials, to come in and meet. Man, just hearing me talk today is going to ruin your next 2 or 3 years. You understand?  Can you imagine raping somebody with Trash Value and having somebody like me on your trail? I mean that has to give you nightmares, right?
    • 8 - A.L. Williams is a Crusade
    • 8 - Jane Bryant Quinn - A.L. Williams is Search and Destroy
  • 1989 - ArtWilliamsBest - The Enemy Can't Win - [VIDEO-YouTube-09:05]
    • 1989 - Book - All You Can Do Is All You Can Do But All You Can Do Is Enough!, by Art Williams
    • 00:52- -  But you know what? The Enemy Can't Win. Hey ...Listen...Listen. You know what? See, we've got those Jokers by the balls, right? Ain't that right?  - [Hand Motion]
    • 02:47-03:02 -See Folks, I believe now in order to win the War - It is impossible for the competition to compete with A.L. Williams. We've got them by those round things. - [Hand Motion]. Because they have been Screwing and Tattooing the consumer for 100 years.
      • Your reputation is everything. People have found out about them. We are out there exposing them. And folks they can't compete with us. 
    • 3:30 - Bury their butt
    • 4:30 - I'm not a Life insurance Agent, I am a Crusader. --- Confidence in what you do.
    • 6 - A.L. Williams was built for your family to win. 
    • 7 - A.L. Williams has got us by the balls.
  • Year - ArtWilliamsBest - How To Become A Millionaire -
    • Click here to download the six-page pamphlet about the Magic of Compound Interest:
    • 1 - Insurance Industry, Investment Industry and the Banking Industry complicates a simple business so that they can Screw you.
    • 3 - Dad died, had wrong type of life insurance
    • 3 - Anybody can be a Millionaire
    • 4 - Trash Value
    • 4 - Consumer Reports - For 50 years they have been recommending Term Insurance. - Example - Universal Life
    • 4 - Decreasing Responsibility Theory
    • 5 - Consumer Reports - Trash Value - "The Worst Investment Program in History."
      • [Bonk: Source?]
    • 5 - FTC, Federal Trade Committee
    • 6 - 10-12%, Cost of Waiting
    • 8 - Banks Screw you - It's like Robbery
    • 16 - [Bonk: Did he say "Shitty-Group"?]
      • Comments - @SeptemberLeader - 4 years ago - Did he say “Shitty Group” TELL EM COACH!
    • 21 - I'm worth a lot more than you...
  • Year - ArtWilliamsBest -  Art's Kitchen Table Presentation -
    • 4 - Biggest villians are insurance companies
    • 5 - Worlds biggest ripoff
    • TVM
    • 8 - Magic of Compound Interest
    • 9 - Rule of 72
    • 10 - 12% - Safe, Conservative Return
    • 11 - Prudential - MetLife - 
    • 12 - potential
    • 13 - Same protection - less money
    • 14 - people don't know what type of life insurance they have
    • 15 - Come to a meeting - great part time opportunity