Bartley Munson
- AAL - Aid Association for Lutherans
- SOA - Committee on Truth in Life Insurance of the Society of Actuaries - Bartley Munson, Chairman
- Bart Munson (William M. Mercer Inc.) noted that life insurance disclosure issues have been the subject of ongoing debate for years and that extensive work occurred in the mid-1970s.
- He noted that while he is in favor of addressing the current problems associated with policy illustrations, he cautioned that it could be an extremely challenging and time-consuming effort.
1993-1B, NAIC Proceedings
- You have all received a notice with the Society mailing on these later spring meetings regarding the appointment of an Ad Hoc Committee on Truth in Life Insurance.
- In it our charge from the Executive Committee was quoted, namely, to recommend to them whether or not the Society or a committee of the Society should express an opinion on one or more of the areas being investigated by Senator Hart's subcommittee -- if not, to state why not, and if so, to stipulate in what area, by whom and to whom, and how the Society should organize to prepare that opinion.
- The charge, I believe we all recognize, is not limited to a consideration of the cost disclosure/cost comparison subject being discussed here; not surprisingly, however, our committee's discussions and thoughts have centered primarily on that subject.
- During the past couple of months, since our committee was formed, the National Association of Insurance Commissioners Task Force on Life Insurance Cost Comparisons has been very active in considering this subject, in an effort to propose a model regulation on this subject...
-- Bartley L. Munson
1973 - SOA - Price Disclosure and Cost Comparison, Society of Actuaries - 186p