Bernie Madoff

  •  2008 1211 - Madoff arrested
  • "split-strike conversion strategy"
  • Harry Markopolos
  • Tremont - Massachusetts Mutual
    • 2011 0728 - NYT - Settlement of More Than $1 Billion From Madoff-Related Funds, By Reuters - [link]
      • Mr. Picard has said Tremont, based in Rye, N.Y., which is part of the Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company, was the second-largest “feeder fund” group that funneled money to Mr. Madoff from its own investors.
      • He sued Tremont for $2.1 billion on Feb. 28, accusing it of missing “red flags” and “blindly relying on Mr. Madoff to drive their funds’ returns” for nearly 15 years.
  • 2023 - VIDEO-Documentary - Madoff: The Monster of Wall Street  ---  [BonkNote]
  • 2017 1024 - GOV (House) - The Federal Government’s Role in the Insurance Industry
    • [PDF-140pVIDEO-Youtube]
    • Schwartz/Ross/Duffy/Capuano/FIO
    • 1:17 - Capuano - Madoff did things that were Illegal, AIG did not
  • 2009 0831 - SEC Inspector General Report (David Kotz) - Investigation of Failure of the SEC to Uncover Bernard Madoff’s Ponzi Scheme - Public Version - Report No. OIG-509 - 477p
    • (p43) - 1992 - Brochure -  The SEC also obtained a “Fact Sheet” that described the structure of the investments with Avellino & Bienes. King Arthur Account Fact Sheet (undated) by Andrew Copperman,16 (The Fact Sheet), at p. 1, at Exhibit 115. The Fact Sheet, a twopage document resembling a brochure, was produced by Andrew Copperman, and answered a variety of questions about the Avellino & Bienes investment, such as the following:
  • 2009 0707 - Congressional Record - Madoff Victims are Victimized Again, This Time By Our Own Government - Ms. Ros-Lehtinen (R-FLA) - 130p
    • (p20) - The victims’ plight is compelling.
    • Think about this, Madam Speaker, irrespective of numerous warnings the SEC received dating back 17 years, all of our Federal agencies stood by and did nothing while thousands of investors deposited their money, usually their life savings, with Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities.
  • 2009 0831 - SEC Inspector General Report - Investigation of Failure of the SEC to Uncover Bernard Madoff’s Ponzi Scheme - Public Version - Report No. OIG-509 - 477p
  • Investment Securities Fraud
  • 2009 0204 - GOV -
    • Assessing the Madoff Ponzi Scheme and Regulatory Failure
    • Investigations of Madoff Fraud Allegations
    • [PDF -202p] 
    • VIDEO-CSPAN - (Part 1 of 3) 
    • VIDEO-CSPAN - (Part 2 of 3) - Ackerman/SEC/KanjorskiS
      • Short - 23:58-Ackerman
      • Long - 23:58-36:20
      • Royce - 36:58-
    • [?] - VIDEO - (Part 3 of 3)
  • 2009 0910 - GOV (Senate) - Oversight of the Securities and Exchange Commission’s Failure to Identify The Bernard L. Madoff Ponzi Scheme and how to Improve SEC Performance, Chris Dodd (D-CT),
    • [PDF-148p,
    • SEC - David Kotz - Inspector General of the Securities and Exchange Commission - 23p
    • Senate - Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs
  • 2010 0922 - GOV (Senate) - Oversight of the SEC Inspector General’s Report on the ‘‘Investigation of the SEC’s Response to Concerns Regarding Robert Allen Stanford’s Alleged Ponzi Scheme’’ and Improving SEC Performance, Chris Dodd (D-CT)
  • Madoff Ponzi Scheme and Investor Protection -
  • 2011 1116 - GOV (Senate) - Changes at the Securities and Exchange Commission
  • 2017 1024 - GOV (House) - The Federal Government’s Role in the Insurance Industry
    • [PDF-140pVIDEO-YouTube]
    • House - Committee on Financial Services - 
    • Subcommittee on Housing and Insurance


  • 2020 - AP - Money, Manipulation, & Madoff: What are Ponzi Schemes and How to Avoid Becoming Avoid Becoming a Fraud Victim aud Victim, by Nicole Turgeon, Assumption College - 153p