10 - Policyholders and agents don't understand statements
15 - Proprietary Indexes / No Caps / Spread
19 - It's all smoke and mirrors
19 - Moving Parts - Caps - New Contracts vs Old Contracts
21 - People don't understand, Agents don't understand, what is going to perform better IUL or WL, Risk, You can never lose your money to market loss, but you can... ,
23 - Bobby Samuelson - Lottery Winner
24 - COI - ART
24 - Class Action, Midland National - COI Increase
24 - Performance, Net Amount at Risk,
25 - WL - Black Box, IRRs on Guarantees, Upside, Downside, can you live with that.
26 - little box, we're going to stick it to you at some point and time.
2023 1215 - BetterWealth - This Podcast Will Change Your Approach To Infinite Banking & Investing | @TheChrisNaugle - [VIDEO-YouTube-37:03]
Stock Market vs Whole Life
4 - Naugle - Taking money out of Life Insurance and put it in the S&P. Mathematics
6:30 - Caleb - Life Insurance is not an investment.
Arbitrage or not?
13:30 - Naugle - Rockefellers
[Bonk: Connect: Garrett Gunderson]
28 - Caleb - Most people are tied up with illiquid assets - 401k, etc
30 - Naugle - Earl Nightingale - Creation
35 - Caleb - Ethics / as a Christian we wouldn't invest in some things
2024 - BetterWealth - Do Millionaires Think The Same About Trumps Tariffs, Bitcoin, & AI?| Agree or Disagree - Garrett Gunderson - [VIDEO-YouTube-35:49]