Book Recommendations

  • Always Marco – Book Recommendations   
  • 2020 0527 - Cody Askins - 5 Books ALL Insurance Agents Should Read! - [VIDEO-YouTube-11:15]
    1. 2012 - Book - The Art of Closing the Sale, by Brian Tracy
    2. 2011 - Book -The 10x Rule, by Grant Cardone
    3. 1992 - Book - How I Raised Myself From Failure to Success in Selling, by Frank Bettger
    4. 2021 - Book - There's No Plan B for Your A Game, by Bo Eason
    5. 2018 - Book - The Way of the Wolf, by Jordan Belfort
  • 2023 0627 - The Dig Agency/David Duford - 
    • 2006 - Book - Coach, by A.L. Williams
    • 1954 - Book - How I Multiplied My Income and Happiness in Selling, by Frank Bettger
    • 1962 - Book - The Success System That Never Fails, by William Clement Stone
      • Applied version of Napoleon Hill
    • 1986 - Book - The Whole World is Out or Busy, by Burt Meisel
    • 1969 / 1980 - Book - The Feldman Method, by Andrew H. Thomson 
    • 1989 - Book - Creative Selling for the 1990s, by Ben Feldman
    • David Duford
      • - Book - The Official Guide to Selling Insurance
      • 2016-2017 - Book - The Official Guide to Selling Financial Expense, by David Duford 
      • - Book - Interviews with Top Insurance Producers, by David Duford
    • 2012 - Book - Growing Rich, by Randall Baskin (sp)
      • Owned American Continental
  • 2018 - The Dig Agency/David Duford - Top 31 Sales Books For Insurance Agents - 
    • 1973 - Book - The Easy Sale, by John Savage
  • - LIFE180 / Chris Kirkpatrick - 4 Books To Read To Understand #LifeInsurance Better | #Shorts - 
    1. - Book - Becoming Your Own Banker, by Nelson Nash
    3. - Book - The And Asset, by Caleb 
    4. - Book - The Pirates of Manhattan, by Barry Dyke
    5. - Book - Cash Flow Hacking, by Chris Kirkpatrick