1900s – Index ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ# A Armstrong Investigation Back to top P Panic of 1907 Back to top # 1900s – Index 1900 – 1949 – Newspapers 1900-1959 – lib 1907-0, NAIC Proceedings 1907 – Book – The Story of Life Insurance, by Burton J. Hendrick  Back to top

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1907 – Book – The Story of Life Insurance, by Burton J. Hendrick 1907 – Book – The Story of Life Insurance, by Burton J. Hendrick – [PDF-333p-GooglePlay] 1907 – Book – The Story of Life Insurance, by Burton J. Hendrick – 307p 1906 – McClure’s Magazine publishes an examination of “The Story of Life Insurance” in…

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1907-0 In guarding the public against insolvent insurance companies state supervision has been eminently successful. In protecting the people against frauds, impositions and abuses by solvent companies it has been only partially successful.  (p215-228) “Deceptive Insurance Methods –The Cure”, By Mr. E. E. Rittenhouse (Colorado, Insurance Commissioner of Colorado) 1907-0, NAIC Proceedings WHEREAS1 Deceptive and…

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Panic of 1907 1 Kerry A. Odell and Marc D. Weidenmier, “Real Shock, Monetary Aftershock: The 1906 San Francisco Earthquake and the Panic of 1907,” J. Econ. Hist. 64, no. 4 (2004): 1002–1027. Indeed, the Federal Reserve arguably owes its creation, which followed the Panic of 1907, at least in part to the insurance industry.…

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Armstrong Investigation The New York Armstrong Committee Investigation of 1906, under the counsel of Charles Evans Hughes, dramatically, factually, and impartially exposed various unsavory practices among life insurance companies. The investigation resulted in radical state legislation, both in New York and elsewhere, designed to regulate the life insurance industry. 1992 – LR – Banking and Insurance…

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1900-1949 – Newspapers 1906 0312 – San Francisco Call – Senator Depew in Sanitarium – [link] Senator Chauncey Depew – (R-NY) It was hinted tonight that the Senator’s Breakdown, said to be the first in his life, was caused by the widespread adverse criticism directed against him, following the exposure of the insurance scandal. The effect of the…

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Library 1800s – Library1900-1959 – LibraryAcademics – libActuarial – libAdjustable Life – libFederal Government – libGovernment (Fed) – AVLaw Reviews – libLegal Cases – {Audio} {Video}LibraryNAIC – lib 1900 – 1959  – Library Resources:  Google Play BOOKS, JOURNALS, NEWSPAPERS BOOKS 1905 – Practical Lessons in Actuarial Science V2 (Tables) – Miles Menander Dawson -345p 1905 – The Business of…

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