Government Hearings – 1970s 1969 / 1970  Multiple Dates – GOV (House) – Private Welfare and Pension Plan Legislation, John H. Dent (D-PA) [PDF-986p – GooglePlay] To Provide Additional Protection For The Rights of Participants In Private Pension Plans, To Establish Minimum Standards For Vesting And Funding of Private Pension Plans, To Provide An Insurance…

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1970 – Joint Special Committee of Life Insurance Costs 1970 – Report of the Joint Special Committee on Life Insurance Costs – (p720-748) – 29p Report to American Life Convention, Institute of Life Insurance, Life Insurance Association of America  1973 — GOV (Senate) – The Life Insurance Industry –  4 parts – Senator Hart – Part…

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1973-1 II. Proposed Changes in the Standard Valuation Law Draft of November 20, 1972 1973-1, NAIC PROCEEDINGS lt may be of interest to convey some of the highlights, — excerpts of these communications follow: We could accept the judgment of many, but not all, financial experts that we are now in a “new era” of…

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1975-4 LIFE, ACCIDENT, AND HEALTH (D) COMMITTEE; Life Insurance (C3) Subcommittek 1975-4, NAIC Proc. …undertaken to determine the present state of consumer knowledge of life insurance and the types and level of information that would be in the buying decision or process. The Institute of Life Insurance accepted responsibility for this project. In cooperation with…

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1970 – 1979 Government Hearings – 1970s Government Hearings – Snippets – 1970s 1975 – GOV – Veterans Life Insurance Information 1973/4 – GOV – The Life Insurance Industry NAIC Proceedings Newspapers – 1970s Society of Actuaries (SOA) – 1970s 1973 — GOV – The Life Insurance Industry – Senator Hart  1973 — SEC – VARIABLE LIFE INSURANCE AND THE PETITION…

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1974-2 As you know the Senate Subcommittee on Anti-trust and Monopoly, chaired by Senator Hart of Michigan, in cooperation with the NAIC Task Force on Life Insurance Cost Comparison, chaired by Stan DuRose, has assembled a rather extensive life insurance pricing study data bank. This data bank is comprised of the pricing study input file consisting of one reel of…

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Society of Actuaries – 1970s 1972 – SOA – Life Insurance and the Buyer, by Anna Rappaport, Society of Actuaries – 2p-Article 1973 – SOA – Choice and Justification of an Interest Rate, by Irwin T. Vanderhoof, Society of Actuaries – 42p 1973 – SOA – Digest of Discussion at Concurrent Sessions – 1973 SOA Annual…

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Newspapers – 1970s 1971 0130 – The Telegraph / New York Times – ‘Twisting’ Causes Concern Within Insurance Industry, by Robert J. Cole – [link] 1971 0509 – Washington Post – Hoover Held an Insurance Post — Acacia Mutual Life Insurance Co., J. Edgar Hoover – FBI  —  1p 1973 0615 – The Free Lance…

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1974-1 NAIC Proceedings AGENTS’ COMPENSATION SYSTEMS TASK FORCE NON-FORFEITURE VALUE AND POLICY RESERVE VALUATION TASK FORCE Hart, Data Bank, Variable Life, SEC,  CONSUMER PARTICIPATION(EX4) SUBCOMMITTEE   Life Insurance Cost Comparisons Task Force Statement re: The Life lnsurance Interest Adjusted Cost Comparison Model Regulation Allstate Life insurance Company December 3, 1973 Hart, Philip -US Senate Letter…

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